Have an idea for a story or an issue you’d like to see covered? Email her at esedlar.aisz@gmail.com.
A Note from Emili Ema Sedlar

Emili Ema Sedlar
My name is Emili Ema Sedlar and I have been involved in journalism for the past four years. Last year, I graduated from journalism school at the University of Applied Sciences (VERN) in Zagreb and today I continue my studies in the graduate field as a communications student. Before a year ago, I started writing for a student paper called Global and a few months later I started to volunteer at a LGBT news site called CroL, for which I still write today.
I regularly write articles about the problematic issues that LGBT individuals face around the world, how different artists project important social issues through artwork and HIV/AIDS activism.
The reason why I am writing for Positive Women’s Network is because I strongly believe that women living with HIV need to have their voices heard and this kind of activism is extremely important. When I first heard of Positive Women’s Network, I immediately looked up the “Who we are” link and wanted to discover more about this beautiful website. Reading the staff’s and board of directors biographies filled me with so much inspiration, since I was learning so much about their work as HIV activists and how their dedication moves forward everyday.
I knew how I wanted to be a part of this group since I immediately knew that we shared something in common: the need to promote human rights in a time where the current American politics is turning into a catastrophe. Even though this is all going on, Positive Women’s Network is stronger than ever, especially with powerful women that continue to fight–and that gives me hope and puts a smile on my face.
Facing Discrimination in the Workplace
Reflecting on This Year’s AIDS Conference: New Social and Medical Discoveries
The Women Behind the U=U Campaign
HIV and AIDS Activism on YouTube: Stephen Hart’s Story
A Writer Like Mark
Why Is It So Hard to Talk About Mental Health and HIV?
Doctors, Hospital Workers Still Discriminate Against People Living with HIV
No Pants, No Problem Traveling the World!
The AIDS Histories & Cultures Festival in London: A Celebration of Art and Activism
Promoting Awareness Through Art & Party: No Pants No Problem Traveling the World!
Activists Prepare for One of the Biggest Protests of 2018: #FamiliesBelongTogether
Activism and Our Heroes
Life Deferred Interview
The Lovely Ladies: an Inspiring Group of Women in the Fight Against Stigma, Fear and Discrimination
Learning About Activism with AIDSWalk
Women of PWN-USA Talk Intimate Partner Violence
Exclusive Interview with Inspiring HIV Artist/Activist Jessica Lynn Whitbread
HIV/AIDS Activism Through Art: Why We Need to Talk and Know More About It
HIV Criminalization: A Concept that Has to be Talked About
How Trumpcare Threatens the Lives of Women Living with HIV
Women Living with HIV in Croatia Battle Stigma, Discrimination