This past summer, PWN hosted a 6-part webinar training series on basic grassroots organizing skills.
The webinar series was open to all.
Catch up on recorded sessions below. Each 90-minute session was held on Saturday at 12pm ET/11am CT/10am MT/9am PT on the following dates: June 29, July 13, July 27, August 10, August 24, September 14.

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June 29, 2019 Community Organizing History and EmpowermentIn our first webinar of the PWN Block Party series, we study three moments in organizing history power of everyday people to impact social change. First, the No-No Boys of Tule Lake stand up for justice in the 1940, then the Montgomery Bus Boycott demonstrate the power of collective solidarity, and finally the National Welfare Rights Organization mobilize “Mother Power” and demand a minimum stands in the 1960. We define Empowerment and illustrate differences on the spectrum of social change approaches from direct service to direct action and organizing.
Download slide deck hereCo-facilitated by Lisa Castellanos, Rica Rodriguez and Davina Conner.
Download slide deck here
July 13, 2019 Organizing Art and Science In our second webinar of the PWN Block Party series, we define characteristics of community organizing; dive deeper into using people and relationships versus Money and Position to influence Targets/Decision makers in campaigns. Using a power map we identify allies and opponents and discuss the CRAFT (Contact work, Research, Action. Fund Raising and Teamwork) of community organizing.
Co-facilitated by Lisa Castellanos, Rica Rodriquez and Shannon Robinson.
Download slide deck hereCo-facilitated by Lisa Castellanos, Rica Rodriquez and Shannon Robinson.
Download slide deck here
July 27, 2019 Block Party 3 – Story of Now If we do not author our own public stories, others will do it for us. As we build our collective power through community and organizing we need to communicate our values and our emotions, what we feel and what inspires us.
In this webinar, we create our effective public stories making intentional choices to structure the “plot” of our lives- the challenges we face, choices we make and outcomes we experience.
Our co-facilitators were Lisa Castellanos, Nevaeh Anderson and Shannon Robinson.
Download slide deck hereIn this webinar, we create our effective public stories making intentional choices to structure the “plot” of our lives- the challenges we face, choices we make and outcomes we experience.
Our co-facilitators were Lisa Castellanos, Nevaeh Anderson and Shannon Robinson.
Download slide deck here
August 10, 2019 Block Party 4 – Finding Our People and Building Leaders What are the best ways to engage the people we want to turn out in elections? What kinds of questions do we ask once we have their attention? How can we keep these contacts engaged after we leave the doorstep? How can we make them leaders?
Learn more about how conversations at voters’ doors can drive big change–and secure new leaders for your movement.
Facilitated by: Lisa Castellanos, Rica Rodriguez, Barb Cardell
Download slide deck hereLearn more about how conversations at voters’ doors can drive big change–and secure new leaders for your movement.
Facilitated by: Lisa Castellanos, Rica Rodriguez, Barb Cardell
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August 27, 2019 Block Party 5 – Courageous Conversations There have been many times in our advocacy when we should have had a courageous conversation but didn’t.
Having courageous conversations is essential, for the outcome of our advocacy as well as for the individuals in our community.
This webinar includes skills building to define why, how, with whom, when and when not to have conversations that challenge and speak truth to power. If we aren’t learning and practicing how to stand up for ourselves, no one will know what we need and what we demand!
Courageous conversations are those where you ask for what you need and where you say what needs to be said.
It’s okay that you aren’t the expert in everything, or need a simpler explanation. If a program or solution doesn’t make sense to you, then learning how to question systems is not only worthwhile, it’s critical. Access the toolkit and articles here from Social Transformation Project.
Facilitated by: Lisa Castellanos.
Download slide deck hereHaving courageous conversations is essential, for the outcome of our advocacy as well as for the individuals in our community.
This webinar includes skills building to define why, how, with whom, when and when not to have conversations that challenge and speak truth to power. If we aren’t learning and practicing how to stand up for ourselves, no one will know what we need and what we demand!
Courageous conversations are those where you ask for what you need and where you say what needs to be said.
It’s okay that you aren’t the expert in everything, or need a simpler explanation. If a program or solution doesn’t make sense to you, then learning how to question systems is not only worthwhile, it’s critical. Access the toolkit and articles here from Social Transformation Project.
Facilitated by: Lisa Castellanos.
Download slide deck here
September 28, 2019 Block Party 6 – Staying in Touch and Keeping Our List Warm
At it’s most basic, Community Organizing is about relationships. We have reviewed the CRAFFT (Contact, Research, Action, Fund Raising, Facilitation and Training) of our organizing, we have talked with our neighborhoods about issues and collected their information to stay in touch.
In our final webinar we assess our volunteers and our skills as organizers. Are we staying connected, are we asking them to support the organization in a way that best utilizes their skills, are we collecting good information on our lists and how does it support our engagement? Finally, we talk about the ladder of leadership engagement and strategize ways to keep our lists warmed up and ready for action.
Facilitated by: Lisa Castellanos, Rica Rodriguez, Shannon Robinson, Nevaeh Anderson
Download slide deck hereAt it’s most basic, Community Organizing is about relationships. We have reviewed the CRAFFT (Contact, Research, Action, Fund Raising, Facilitation and Training) of our organizing, we have talked with our neighborhoods about issues and collected their information to stay in touch.
In our final webinar we assess our volunteers and our skills as organizers. Are we staying connected, are we asking them to support the organization in a way that best utilizes their skills, are we collecting good information on our lists and how does it support our engagement? Finally, we talk about the ladder of leadership engagement and strategize ways to keep our lists warmed up and ready for action.
Facilitated by: Lisa Castellanos, Rica Rodriguez, Shannon Robinson, Nevaeh Anderson