Q. What has PWN-NY been up to? What are some projects that you have been working on that you are most proud of?
A. PWN-NY continues to host monthly meetings as a way to stay current with the activities of the members. As many of us as possible try to attend webinars that are relevant to the needs of our communities. We make sure our representatives attend the work group calls coming out of PWN national. One project we are most proud of is the Get Out the Vote effort for the 2018 midterm elections where we educated 90 people about the voting process and registered 55 New Yorkers to vote. We made sure to get the votes of women living with HIV counted.
Q. PWN-NY is really known for supporting each other. That is one of the reasons that it has been able to stay so strong. What is your secret to sisterhood?
A. PWN-NY sisters stay strong by assisting each other in devastating times, and we also support each other in leadership development and mentoring women. We have learned to agree or disagree and at the end of the day we come to an agreement to solve the solution.
Q. What are one or two issues that PWN-NY is planning to focus more on and doing more work on in the future?
A. PWN-NY chapter is focusing on Organizing for Power: Road to 2020. We are currently reflecting on strategies to enhance our outreach so that we can continue to embrace more women, folks of trans experience and allies to attend our PWN Monthly meetings.