We believe all people should have health care, regardless of immigration status, race, gender, gender identity, pre-existing conditions, or ability to pay. But the current administration has repeatedly attacked and attempted to undermine the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and 2020 candidates have wildly different proposals on access to health care. We need candidates to commit to protect the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and all non-discrimination provisions in the ACA, expand Medicaid, and support Medicare for All legislation. Candidates should also continue to support the Ryan White program which funds services for half a million people with HIV.
- Sexual Health, Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice
We believe all people of all genders have the right to decide what to do with our bodies, our sexuality, our reproductive futures. That means candidates must commit to protect abortion, contraception, and the Title X program which provides essential health care services. It also means fighting the domestic gag rule.
- Public Charge Regulation Change
The Department of Homeland Security recently issued a rule concerning “public charge” seeking to intimidate eligible U.S. residents from accessing benefits such as health care and food for fear it may threaten their or their family’s immigration status. Data shows that immigrant families are consequently avoiding public benefits they are qualified to receive. This affects immigrants living with HIV and those who may seek HIV testing services. Immigrant health is community health. Candidates must commit to reverse these changes to the scope of public charge.
- Family Separation continues at the border although the administration has been ordered to stop by a federal court. Recently, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection official suggested that families are also being separated based on HIV status, despite the fact that HIV has been removed from the list of communicable disease barring entry to the US and underlying science.
- Discrimination Against Transgender People
The administration has proposed changes to Section 1557, the non-discrimination section of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, that would legalize discrimination against people of trans experience. We know that the trans community is most vulnerable to acquiring HIV and also to violence in the community. Candidates must commit to uphold full human rights and for trans and gender non-conforming people, including accurate data collection and protections from discrimination in health care, employment, housing, and all publicly and privately funded services.