June 5, 2020
by Rymsky Evans
I would like to let someone recently diagnosed know that there is life after HIV.
Three years ago, I was diagnosed with HIV. As shocking as it was, I also was scared, and so afraid of never being wanted by another man. Life had begun for me in June of 2017 after being told my diagnosis. There was a process of having to get through it emotionally. It took me about a year to finally get over that mountain. In the process, I had so much love and support from family as well as friends.
I knew that I couldn’t do it alone. It was scary for me to tell my family and friends, but I had the courage to speak up. I was caught by surprise when everyone received me with open arms. It’s not easy telling people, but you have to find those people you can really trust and know they will have your best interest at heart. Talking about it more made me more free to live my life out loud, so that today, I have more courage.
The biggest thing in knowing I was HIV-positive was having a strong support system to encourage me along the way. It’s not going to always be easy as you go through the process of all that has happened, but one thing for sure, we will make it and come out stronger, better, and healthier than we ever been.
Today I am living my life out loud with no regrets. I am HIV undetectable and living a whole healthy life with a more positive attitude on how I see HIV.
I would like to encourage someone that after the dark season the sun will begin to shine and the flowers begin to bloom; what looks ugly in the beginning soon becomes beautiful. Shine on my beautiful souls.