by Sian Green
I can heavily remember six years ago, November 2012, pregnant with my daughter my heart dropped and dragged on the floor within split seconds. Nothing at that moment could sustain the pain I felt for being diagnosed HIV-positive. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the only raging, raft waters in the storms I was facing.
“Tell everyone who is discouraged, be strong and don’t be afraid! God is coming to your rescue…” Isaiah 35:4. Do not live life in fear because fear is not of GOD! So therefore, I prayed and decided to make a change in my life and help those who feel lost and worried because of the fear of HIV/AIDS.
My name is Sian Green and I am a HIV/ AIDS advocate for the Greater New Orleans area. My support system has been tremendously helpful and I have been blessed through this new journey of my life. I am currently a peer advocate and community advisory board member for IWES-NOLA (Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies – New Orleans, LA), member of LAAN (Louisiana AIDS Advocacy Network, member of the SAC (Southern AIDS Coalition) and a member of PWN-USA (Positive Women’s Network-USA) with more to come!
This is my purpose and the truth I stand in!
Positive Women’s Network‘s six policies hold powerful information for WLHIV. This is a must read! Finding where to start and end became mind boggling. I will be speaking on Universal Health Care. Health care is a major milestone and impact on PLHIV. Many people who are in care or need to be in care should not take healthcare lightly. Being a recipient of many health care providers I do agree Medicaid, Medicare, Ryan White Act/Care Program, and the Affordable Care Act should be greatly expanded to aid PLHIV without any discrimination. Capping funds on a state or government level will continue to cause a deficiency and show ineffective rates among PLHIV or any disability. For me being in care is not an option but is mandatory! There are many individuals who are not in care due to either lack of knowledge or guidelines that disqualify them. How do you rectify a problem when the solution is limited? I give many thanks to FACES (Family Advocacy, Care and Education Services), NO AIDS TASK FORCE (Crescent Care) and LAHAP (Louisiana Health Access Program), all that have either provided care or helped me obtain the care I need to live an abundant life for my family.