by Tana Pradia, PWN Texas Greater Houston Area
As I look around the world we live in today, it’s sad to see the 60’s of my era repeating itself over and over. The injustice faced by Black men, economic injustice, and the right to live as a black man. As mothers and grandmothers, we have watched our Black men die at the hands of white cops.
It’s time to rise up and stand together as a community against the injustice that is going on in Black communities. As I listen and hear white people say we need to go back to Africa, I would say to them, I wasn’t born in Africa. I was born in the United States, and I have a right to be heard.
I will take a stand on what I believe as a Black woman. No one should die because of the color of their skin. These systems want to see our children not go to school, college, or achieve our life dreams, and put us in prisons. They are afraid of smart Black people, so they must kill or put us in the prison system to keep us from rising.