July 31, 2019
As a compassionate, empathetic human being I am appalled and disgusted by ICE and the Custom and Border Patrol separating children from parents/caregivers. This is a horrific practice and as unAmerican as anything I can think of. We do not live in a Nazi society (though we are coming close), and ripping families apart is barbaric and dangerous to the physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being of these children and their parents or caregivers. Separating children and parents is the harmful act of a tyrannical government and one that our forefathers and many others throughout history (including my grandfather, father, and cousin) fought against and often died for.
CBP’S reasoning for separating families is shameful and antiquated. Stating that you are removing children from a parent or caregiver because they have HIV and then claiming that it’s because HIV is a communicable disease is completely wrong and goes against proven medical science. HIV is not now and has never been a communicable disease. Tuberculosis, influenza, ans cold sores are communicable because they can be contracted from breathing the same air or from basic contact. HIV cannot be contracted this way.
If a person with HIV is on medication and has an undetectable viral load, then they cannot transmit the virus to another person through sexual contact, sharing needles, nor mother to child. What CBP is doing is just another act of discrimination, stigmatization, humiliation, criminalization, and shaming of those who are already being mistreated and abused.
As a person living with HIV for the last 26 years, I have been shamed, discriminated against, and criminalized for living with a human condition. I know what its like to lose loved ones to this disease but I’ve never had anyone ripped from my arms because of my HIV status. I can feel the pain and suffering these parents and children are forced to endure, and my heart breaks because of it. This is unacceptable and this criminalization of individuals because of their status must not be permitted to continue.
All families must be reunified and these horror camps must be brought to an end immediately! #ClosetheCamps #EndFamilySeparation