by Stacy Jennings, PWN-SC Co-Chair, PWN-USA Policy Fellow
The Black United Leadership Institute
was held to get HINAC III underway
We started out with dinner and
Introductions on Friday
We introduced our names, pronouns
and what being Black meant to us
For many of us it meant beauty
Being respected and learning to trust
We discussed our values and
Different shades of our skin
We discussed being unique
From the outside and from within
We not only had good conversation
But also good food to consist of
Fried chicken, barbecue, cole slaw
Mac n cheese, baked beans, corn bread
muffins, rolls, caramel pecan bread
pudding, tea and lemonade
To get us in the mood
We then were given logistics
For the very next day by
Waheedah, Kenyon, and Arneta
With important things to say
On Saturday morning
We had some breakfast
That was ready for us to eat
That included a selection of muffins
Bagels, pastries, fruit, coffee, drinks
and sandwiches with different meat
We then started BULI with
new introductions, a welcome and recap
We then worked on a timeline that
would give us some insight perhaps
That would focus on prison and HIV
as we delve in deeper to look back
at the history
We were asked to define Criminalization
and Racial Justice and the impact
On our community
So that when we come together
We would be better able to see
We then took a break
And came back to participate
In an activity known as the Fish Bowl
To discuss the work we’re doing
and challenges and the work we
shall behold
First to the Fish Bowl were
Devin, Kamaria, Shyron and Timothy
Who discussed the many works
Done within their community
Next up came Johnny, Theresa and
Venita Ray
To discuss the tasks that they
Engage in everyday
Venita mentioned something
That made a lot of sense
She stated that, “You cannot Prosecute
and then Prevent
Then there was Jacob, Zaniah and Max
They shared what they’re doing
While providing us with many facts
We then went to lunch
To enjoy some good food
That when we came back
We would be in a better mood
As we returned, we broke off
Into groups again
To consist of U equals U
How to center your blackness
And Restorative Justice and Healing
Max Boykin gave the feedback
For group three
Where he discussed centering
Your blackness with pride and dignity
Next up was Toni Michelle
To give feedback on Restorative Justice
And Healing
Which she summed up quite well
Then there was Devin, who
gave feedback on U equals U
He was short but sweet
But gave good information too
In the midst of Toni Michelle’s speech
There was a momentum of sensation
When she made a statement that
“Our bodies are the basis to our
We gathered in the end
With some brunch by the way
To close out BULI
With pure sincerity
Many discussed the experience
And what next we need to do
To further the work of BULI
with not just you, you, and you
We came into this place
To leave with blackness and grace
And now we’re all ready
Going forth in our blackness