June 26, 2017
by Shyronn Jones, PWN-USA Policy Fellow
America is the Land of Opportunity for the Rich,
Risk of Opportunistic Infections
for the poor living with HIV. Those who inherited favorable circumstances,
OVERindulge in societal privileges and material possessions at the cost of stripping the most valuable thing in life
from vulnerable people: good health. One of the richest countries with the biggest wealth inequality pledged allegiance to value the liberty and justice for all
Bait and Switch Schemes as the Real American Dream Theme.
You vowed to be a safe home for huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
You received skilled workers, who built your economic wealth
to be what has become known as agreements between parties.
have not been reached.
You have breached agreements; therefore you will be impeached.
Your 99 percent are vital elements
to your society.
Enough is enough.
We are demanding racial equality.
Women possess mighty, mighty power.
We make the world go round.
If you don’t protect and invest in our health, your United States will come crashing down.
The ones who are retired
and the ones silent
now forced to amplify their voices.
Until the rights that justifiably belong to everyone,
are enforced all over the nation into
All forms of violence against your residents ,we are a network under God,
Our means of living are worlds apart;
Civil war between your citizens is now a part of your art.