The views and opinions expressed in this piece are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the position of Positive Women’s Network – USA.
September 14, 2020
By Stacy Jennings
I’m an amazing black woman with strength and pride.
The color of my skin I shall not hide.
The twinkle in my eye gives me sex appeal.
I’m an amazing black woman, and that is for real.
I am from Mae and Donald. I am from Union, a small, quaint town.
I am from a place where everyone knew how to get around.
I love me some me. I love my style.
My beautiful brown eyes and my courageous smile.
I love the melatonin dark brown tone of my skin.
I’m an amazing black woman from the outside, in.
I’m in love with my body, my mind, and my soul.
My blackness is pure; It makes me whole.
The love for my sisters makes my light shine bright.
The love I have for my sisters is absolutely dynamite.
I go through many things; I have good and not so good times.
But in the midst of trouble, I have sisters that show up at the drop of a dime.
My black woman magic will soothe the weakest soul.
That when I speak in a room, my statement is phenomenally bold.
I am weakened by backstabbers that cause me to lose sight.
Their evil intentions are my Kryptonite.
My love language is words of affirmation; Encouraging words to build me up.
Followed by acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.
I love my blackness; I will remain uniquely me.
I’m a strong, positive, black woman; A pure black woman, Phenomenally!