December 17, 2020: On December 1, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services released the draft HIV National Strategic Plan 2021-2025. Comments were due Monday, December 14.
In collaboration with many of our partners, including the networks of people living with HIV, Positive Women’s Network – USA analyzed the draft plan and submitted a comment highlighting our feedback and concerns.
Overall, we have concerns about the lack of focus on needs and rights of people who are already living with HIV and a lack of attention to social and structural determinants of health. For example, quality of life and quality of care concerns for people living with HIV are notably absent in the draft plan, and there are no mentions whatsoever of sexual and reproductive health care needs of people living with HIV.
PWN believes that strong leadership by people living with HIV from communities most impacted by the epidemic will be necessary to ensure a rights-based response to HIV, grounded in racial justice, gender justice, and meaningful involvement of people living with HIV. We look forward to working with the Biden-Harris Administration to achieve these goals.
Read PWN’s comment here.
Jennifer Smith-Camejo2021-03-03T00:23:35-05:00December 18th, 2020|National HIV/AIDS Strategy|Comments Off on PWN’s Comment on the Draft HIV National Strategic Plan 2021-2025
About the Author: Jennifer Smith-Camejo
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