We know that the covid-19 pandemic is causing even more isolation than usual for women and people of trans experience living with HIV. In-person support groups have been cancelled, for those who had them in the first place. Services are being scaled back and convenings that women living with HIV looked forward to are being cancelled, postponed, or taken online. In light of all of this, we are starting up a new virtual support group through our #PWNCares Sister Circle.

We will meet via videoconference on Zoom, though you may join by phone as well. This support group is ONLY for women and people of trans experience living with HIV and requires registration. Please complete this form and you will receive the link and call-in info to join before the meeting. The support group meeting will NOT be recorded to respect your confidentiality.

Register for the #PWNCares Sister Circle Virtual Support Group

Register for the #PWNCares Sister Circle Virtual Support Group

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