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Click on the year to meet our Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, and Year 4 Policy Fellows.

Lizzie Bellamy-Richardson (South Carolina)

Martha Cameron (Virginia)
Martha was born and raised in Zambia, Africa, and is the Executive Director for the International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) North America. She has served on the board of ICW Global and most recently, worked as the Director of Prevention for Women’s Collective (TWC), a leading community health and human service agency in Washington, DC. Other past positions include Director of Policy & Advocacy at TWC, and Executive Director of an international, faith-based non-profit called Every Orphan’s Hope Inc. (EOH) where she had hands-on experience running HIV programs for orphans and widows. Martha still does consulting work for EOH and with Children’s AIDS Fund International. Martha is actively involved in Positive Women’s Network, US PLHIV Caucus, and DC Center for AIDS Research. She has a bachelor’s degree in education (English/French) and a master’s degree in Public Health.

Myra Franks (Alabama)

Erin Fulton (Nebraska)

Angela Hunt (Florida)