Prevention Justicepwnusa2013-12-22T10:01:38-05:00
Microbicides are one exciting area of prevention research.
Prevention Justice is a call to institutionalizing an effective HIV prevention approach that recognizes the structural factors that affect people’s lives and put them at risk for HIV in the first place. For women in particular, prevention justice has unique nuances. Telling women to abstain or asking women to use a condom is not enough to protect women from HIV. Women will be safe from HIV when the overall quality of our lives and the lives of our loved ones is uplifted and when we have a variety of ways to protect ourselves, including methods that don’t require our partner’s knowledge or consent.
PWN-USA Tools and Resources:
Other Resources:
- Female Condom Campaigns: Chicago, Atlanta, DC
- Baral, SD et al., Worldwide burden of HIV in transgender women: a systematic review and meta-analysis, The Lancet Infectious Disease, 2013;13: 214–22
- Hodder, S et al., Challenges of a Hidden Epidemic: HIV Prevention Among Women in the United States, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, December 2010