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In this issue:

  • #HINAC3: Most Impacted Communities Take Center Stage
  • Upcoming Webinars You Won’t Want to Miss
  • Introducing “Ask Evany” on Facebook Live!
  • Research Opportunities

Most Impacted Communities Take Center Stage at #HINAC3

The long-anticipated HIV Is Not a Crime III Training Academy, organized by the SERO Project and Positive Women’s Network – USA, took place June 3-6 at IUPUI in Indianapolis. What a remarkable three days it was!

Anchored by six thought-provoking plenary sessions, where expert panels of people living with HIV, advocates, attorneys and elected officials delved into rich discussions, including the experiences of survivors of HIV criminalization; the intersection of race and gender in criminalization; what legislative champions do behind the scenes to move bills; and much, much more. Participants also had 20 intriguing breakout sessions to choose from throughout the three days.

One of the most talked-about events of #HINAC3 actually happened before the training academy kicked off–the Black United Leadership Institute (BULI). Fifty advocates of African descent participated in a pre-conference focused on building power among Black leaders in the HIV movement.

“As I attended the Black United Leadership Institute (BULI), I learned how as a black individual, it’s important to be in the FRONT!” wrote criminalization survivor Monique Howell of South Carolina in a blog for PWN-USA. “It’s important to be in spaces that involves people like me!! While sitting in a room with 50 other participants, I learned and received the tools needed to continue to make the movement of HIV decriminalization and things involving HIV/AIDS more meaningful! We have the right to make decisions that are about us and for us!”

Read the full story here.

View the #HINAC3 photo album here.

Watch recorded plenaries, participant interviews and more here.

Upcoming PWN Webinars You Won’t Want to Miss!


Did you know? It’s totally legal for 501(c)3 nonprofits to register voters. There are over a million people connected to HIV service delivery settings in the U.S. Imagine if we could harness the power of the HIV vote in November 2018!

Join us next Wednesday, June 27, for the second webinar in the PWNVotes election webinar series: Building Your Voter Universe. Learn strategies to register, identify and recruit voters. This webinar is open to all. Register here.
There are 3 more webinars coming up in the #PWNVotes series! See them all and register here. And check out our #PWNVotes Election Toolkit here!


PWN-USA is thrilled to launch the fourth video in our #PWNCares series, created by and for women living with HIV with the support of ViiV’s Positive Action for Women grant. Keeping It Real: Being Trans & Living with HIV will premiere Wed., July 11, at 1pm EDT, in a virtual coffee table chat open to all people of trans experience. Register here.

The virtual coffee table chat will feature as panelists Jada Cardona and Tiommi Luckett, both of whom are interviewed in the video, as well as Dee Dee Chamblee. After watching the video, participants will be invited to ask the panelists questions, share their own experiences and perspectives, and discuss available resources and future opportunities to connect. Register now! And check out the rest of the PWNCares series, which includes discussion guides for use in meetings, groups and events.

Tune Into PWN-USA on Facebook Live Friday, June 29, at 3pm EDT for “Ask Evany!”

Got questions? PWN’s Membership Engagement Coordinator, Evany Turk, has answers!

Join us next Friday, June 29, at 3pm EDT/2pm CDT/1pm MDT/12pm PDT on PWN-USA’s Facebook page for the premiere of “Ask Evany” on Facebook Live!

She will answer questions you have about PWN, living with HIV, issues to get active on and mobilize around, and more. 

Tune in and join the conversation! If you have a question you’d like her to address, send it to her at

Be Part of the Solution.


The Transgender Law Center and PRIDEnet are collaborating to help the historic All of Us Research Program welcome LGBTQI folks from around the country. If you are age 18 or older, identify as trans and/or gender nonconforming (TGNC) and live in the United States, you can help! NOTE:  there will be another listening session in July 2018 specifically for TGNC people living with HIV.

For TGNC people and the LGBTQI community as a whole, lack of information on our social, mental, and physical health is a barrier to creating better services and policies for our communities. TLC wants to learn about the TGNC community’s health concerns, communication and technology preferences, and questions about health research.

There will be an online Community Listening Session on Wednesday, June 27, 7:00pm – 8:30pm EST for ~25 participants who represent the diversity of the national TGNC community.


1-  Reply to this brief pre-registration questionnaire by 3pm EST on Tuesday, June 19th:

2-  By Wednesday, June 20, TLC will contact everyone who completes the questionnaire to confirm whether or not you have been accepted into the session.

3-  If you are accepted, you will be emailed the link and instructions for joining, either by video or phone.

Kindly note that the name you provide via the questionnaire will not be linked to any personal comments or discussion that takes place during the session. We will use the name you provide to send invitations to the online session as well as to navigate the discussion. Feel free to use any name of your choosing.

A $25 gift card will be mailed to you in consideration for your time for participating in this session.


Project Inform (David Evans) and University of North Carolina Gillings School of Public Health (Karine Dube) are leading an HIV cure survey with broad community/stakeholder input.

The researchers are interested to find out what you think about:

·   Your current health and experience with HIV treatment

·   Your previous participation in HIV research

·   Factors that would affect your motivation to participate in HIV cure-related research

·   Factors that you would find most valuable about an HIV cure strategy

·   Factors that would represent improvements over your current HIV treatment

·   Trade-offs that you would be willing to make in the search for a cure for HIV

If you are living with HIV and reside in the United States or its territories, are at least 18 years of age, and want to share your opinion with us about HIV cure strategies, we invite you to take the survey. It will take about 30 to 45 minutes to complete, and one in ten of those who choose to participate and enter a drawing will be randomly selected to receive a Visa gift card with a value of $20.00 U.S. dollars. Take the survey here by July 31, 2018.


Learn more and see if you’re eligible here.

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Positive Women’s Network – USA is a national membership body of women living with HIV and our allies that exists to strengthen the strategic power of all women living with HIV in the United States. Founded in 2008 by 28 diverse HIV-positive women leaders, PWN-USA develops a leadership pipeline and policy agenda that applies a gender lens to the domestic HIV epidemic grounded in social justice and human rights.
Every day we inspire, inform, and mobilize women living with HIV to advocate for changes that improve our lives and uphold our rights. In addition to federal advocacy, PWN-USA supports regional organizing and leadership development at a local and state level.