In this issue:
- Alicia Diggs Joins PACHA
- Organizing Spotlight: PWN Pennsylvania Works to Get Out the Vote By Mail
- PWN Welcomes Tyler Barbarin as Policy Associate
- #PWNVotesByMail – Join Us to Find Out How!
PWN NC State Lead Alicia Diggs Represents Women Living with HIV on PACHA!
On June 1 of this year, women living with HIV got a powerful new advocate on the President’s Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS (PACHA): PWN’s own North Carolina State Lead Alicia Diggs.
“It is important for Black women living with HIV to be represented on PACHA so that our voices are heard at the table and change can be made in our favor as it pertains to health care and social services,” Alicia explained of her decision to accept the appointment. “It is more important now than ever that Black women lead conversations that speak to inequalities, oppressions and injustices that we have dealt with for centuries, and to help allocate funding and policies toward needed medical and health services.
“As I looked at the great names of previous members who left and were dismissed by this current administration, it saddens me to know there is little to no care for our communities suffering through injustice and inequality. My hope is that the recommendations suggested to the committee from the voices of persons living with HIV, through my representation, are heard by the Secretary of Health and Human Services so that an end to the HIV epidemic can truly be accomplished. This accomplishment can only take place through the inclusion of persons living with HIV who are on the front lines of social, economic, and health inequalities, as well as stigma, discrimination and systemic racisms. Ending the HIV epidemic cannot be accomplished without people living with HIV.
“It is an honor to be part of this advisory council and an honor to represent my family in this fight. I will do everything in my being to make sure that I not only speak up for us as a whole but that I contribute to policy changes that will help eradicate the HIV epidemic and stigma.”
Join us in congratulating Alicia on her appointment and thanking her for her representation and leadership on PACHA!
Organizing Spotlight: PWN Pennsylvania Works to Get Out the Vote-by-Mail
PWN Pennsylvania has been active in their community for years. Since 2018, they have been registering new voters, educating their community about elections and voter rights, and mobilizing the voters they’ve registered and engaged with to get to the polls.
Organizing around the 2020 elections with Vote Positive Pennsylvania, PWN PA members have been going the extra mile and a half to make sure that voters in their community know what has changed in response to the covid19 pandemic–relying on digital organizing tools and tactics since traditional in-person tactics are off the table for the time being.
Read more about PWN Pennsylvania here |
PWN Welcomes Tyler Barbarin as Policy Associate
PWN is thrilled to welcome the newest member of our staff team on board! Tyler Barbarin of New Orleans, LA, is PWN’s policy associate.
Tyler has been an organizer and facilitator of topics of racial justice, education equity, and reproductive justice. She began her work in leadership development at Covenant House Washington, facilitating programming for youth experiencing homelessness. She then transitioned into working for the Poverty and Race Research Action Council and National Coalition on School Diversity in areas ranging from fair housing to education equity. She was a former Young People For Fellow and member of their alumni council as well as serving on the National Cathedral Gun Violence Prevention Group. She is currently a member of the New Orleans Abortion Fund Client Services team in addition to the work that she is doing with PWN.
Please join us in welcoming Tyler to the PWN family!
Don’t Miss This Webinar!
Wed., June 17 at 6p EDT/ 5p CDT/ 4p MDT/ 3p PDT
No one should have to choose between putting their health at risk and exercising their right to vote. Yet some political leaders are taking advantage of COVID-19 to suppress the vote. We need to mobilize for new or expanded ways to vote, including voting by mail.
Elections matter. Voting should not put our lives at risk.
Universal vote by mail is rare, but every state has an absentee ballot option. Ensuring the safety of our communities as we get out the vote will be critical this year. Expanding the right to vote by mail is a safe and effective option for our upcoming elections. Current voter disenfranchisement efforts include decreasing the number of polling locations, restricting hours, and limiting access to public transportation, especially in lower income areas and communities of color. Choosing our elected officials is a right. We need to ensure that it is as simple and accessible as possible!
Join us as we discuss:
- Different state regulations and requirements to vote by mail;
- where to request mail ballots;
- how to share this information with your social network;
- and how you can get involved in advocacy for expanding absentee voting and safe voting options.
This webinar is open to all community members interested in learning more about voting by mail, mobilizing your community, and ongoing state and federal advocacy efforts.
Register here |