Our Vision

What Is Trans-Centered Reproductive Justice?
SisterSong defines reproductive justice as the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children and to parent in sustainable communities. This vision can be realized when people of all genders have the economic, social and political power necessary to make healthy decisions about their bodies, reproduction and sexuality without threat of violence, coercion, stigma or discrimination.
The needs of transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary (TGNC) people must be intentionally and meaningfully integrated into reproductive justice advocacy. TGNC people face pervasive social and economic discrimination, and are targeted for violence by individuals as well as law enforcement and the State- the very institutions that are supposed to protect them. Further, TGNC folks who are also people of color, immigrants, sex workers, living with disabilities, or living with HIV face additional forms of marginalization, discrimination and violence.
We define trans-centered reproductive justice as an approach to reproductive justice that centers the experiences, needs, and power of those whose genders and sexualities are most marginalized. In this factsheet, we explore each aspect of the definition of reproductive justice to outline some key issues that impact the TGNC community.
Policy Recommendations
- Oppose conditioning ID gender marker changes on proof of surgery or other onerous requirements: Conditioning legal recognition on a costly, invasive, and perhaps unwanted sterilization reflects a dogmatic and dangerous approach to gender that fixates on genitalia rather than personal agency and autonomy.
- Support full public coverage for fertility preservation services regardless of medical “need” determinations.
- Support informed consent standards that accurately and fully inform people of the implications of transition-related care, regardless of age, gender, or gender expression.
- Support gender-inclusive language in reproductive health, rights and justice policy.
Transgender surveys and assessments
- Positively Trans Needs Assessments
- Detroit Needs Assessment, Health Care We Can Trust (2018)
- NOLA Needs Assessment, Meet Us Where We Are (2018)
- South Florida Needs Assessment, Our Knowledge is Our Power (2018)
- National Needs Assessment (2016)
- Some Kind of Strength (2016)
- See Us as People(2016)
- National Center for Transgender Equality, Report of the U.S. Transgender Survey(2015)
- National Center for Transgender Equality & National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, Injustice at Every Turn: A report of the national transgender discrimination survey(2015)
Trans-Inclusive Reproductive Justice
- National LGBTQ Task Force, In Our Own Voice, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, & National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, “Transforming the Courts through Intersectional Advocacy: A Queering Reproductive Justice Toolkit” (2019)
- KC Clements, Everyday Feminism, “6 Tips for making your conversation about reproductive rights more trans-inclusive” (2018)
- National LGBTQ Task Force, “Queering Reproductive Justice: A Toolkit (2017)
- The Opportunity Agenda, “Ten Tips for Putting Intersectionality into Practice (2017)
- National Women’s Law Center & Law Students for Reproductive Justice, “If you really Care About Reproductive Justice, You Should Care About Transgender Rights (2015)
- Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice & SisterSong, “A new vision for advancing our movement for reproductive health, reproductive rights, and reproductive justice.” (2005)
Inclusive Language
- “Queeeriods: How to include menstruators of all genders in public health messages about menstruation”