Twitter Chat
February 10, 2pm ET/1pm CT/12pm MT/11 am PT
Join PWN, the Afiya Center, Black AIDS Institute, Beam, SisterSong, Southern AIDS Coalition, and Transgender Law Center for a special Twitter chat in honor of #NBHAAD & #CelebrateBlackWomen to talk about how we can make sure Black women in the #HIV movement get the credit they are due.
Follow our Twitter or the hashtags #NBHAAD & #CelebrateBlackWomen to join the conversation!Celebrate Black Women’s Talent Facebook Live
February 18, 5pm ET/4pm CT/3pm MT/2pm PT
Join the PWN Black staff for a special Facebook Live where artists get to showcase their talents through various forms of artistry. What will we see? It could be interpretative dance, spoken word, music, and so much more. Just head over to PWN’s Facebook page at 5pm EST on February 18 to check it out!
ClubHouse How #CelebrateBlackWomen Came to Be
February 24, 4pm ET/3pm CT/2pm MT/1pm PT
If you are on ClubHouse, follow our National Field Organizer, Evany Turk. She will invite you to the room.

Celebrate and Honor Black Women Art Contest
Deadline to Enter February 28
Are you a Black woman or person of trans experience living with HIV or involved in the HIV community? Get your creative juices flowing and enter an original piece of artwork for PWN’s inaugural Celebrate & Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement Art Contest!Your artwork should reflect your vision of what it means to you to celebrate and honor Black women in the HIV movement.
There will be three winners who will receive gift cards that can be used like cash anywhere that accepts credit cards.
Learn more and submit your artwork here!
#CelebrateBlackWomen Twitter Storm
March 12, 2pm ET/1pm CT/12pm MT/11am PT
Join PWN and our partners for an hour as we take Twitter by storm. As we get closer, we will send out a social media toolkit to our partners with tweets and graphics to be used during that hour-window.
#CelebrateBlackWomen Town Hall
March 12, 2pm ET/1pm CT/12pm MT/11am PT
Join PWN and other Black women leaders in the HIV movement for discussion about what it means to honor, celebrate, protect, respect, and pay Black women–as well as some entertainment!
Register here!