Lepena Reid, Janet Kitchen and Rose Todd, South Florida
SPEAK UP! A National Leadership Summit for Women Living with HIV is just
one week away! Here’s everything you need to know, whether you’re coming to the Summit or following the happenings there from afar:
PWN-USA SPEAK UP! Summit Orientation Webinar – slideshow and voice recording of a helpful presentation on the ins and outs of the Summit (here’s a
PDF of just the slides from the webinar)
SPEAK UP! Summit Official Website – the place to go for the full program, information on travel, a list of our generous sponsors, and much more!
“I’m Going to SPEAK UP! Because …” – videos and images from SPEAK UP! Summit participants about why they’re making the trip to Fort Walton Beach
Want to volunteer at SPEAK UP!?
Contact Nerissa Irizarry to sign up: 510.698.3811 | nerissa.pwnusa@gmail.com
Here’s some
background information on the Summit if you want to know more!
Like us on Facebook and
follow our Twitter account and the hashtag
#PWNSpeaks for up-to-the-minute updates from the Summit!
For those who are coming to SPEAK UP!:
- Dress – Summit dress code is casual to business casual for hot weather. Bring your best pj’s because you will be sharing a room and we are planning a pajama party! Other suggestions:
- Beach towels
- Enough Meds – couple extra days supply just in case
- Medical insurance card
- Cellphone charger if you have your cell
- Laptop and charger if you need one
- State-issued ID
- Sunscreen and hat for the sun, bathing suit if you plan to get in pool or ocean
- Refillable water bottle
- Extra business cards if you have them for networking
- $30, in cash or on your debit card, to present at check-in for hotel incidentals (will be refunded)
Upon arrival at the Ramada Plaza Beach Resort:
- 2 pm: Summit registration
Fill out a few forms, get your program & conference bag!
- 3 pm: Hotel check-in
You will be assigned a shared, double room with mini-fridge & microwave
- 5 pm: Summit opening session and dinner begins
Florida, here we come!!!

Looks like we made it!
This is an excellent outline and guide! I’m all all excited over being with so many fabulous women! See you all in Ft. Walton soon, God willing! Safe travels my people!