Positive Women’s Network-USA (PWN-USA) hosted the 3rd annual Celebrate and Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement (CHBW) on 08/18/23! This year we are Honoring Our Trailblazers – Black women who stand on the shoulders of so many powerful Black women that came before them and are fervently forging a path forward for themselves and many to follow.
Our co-moderators Octavia Lewis and Evany Turk kicked off the House Ball with a conversation on the importance of cis-trans* solidarity in the HIV movement. Aryah Lester, Co-Director of Transgender Strategy Center, provided history of the ball room culture and how these houses became families for Black and Brown queer and trans* folks. (Click HERE to watch this video about How the LGBTQ+ community created voguing!)

The three highlighted Black trans* women were Marsha P. Johnson (pictured above), DeDe Chamblee, and Crystal LaBeija! Congrats to our trivia question winners: Kamaria Laffrey & Tiommi Luckett!
One of the highlights of the celebration was the kiki and convo between Raniyah and Toni-Michelle, two of our CHBW honorees! They had everyone laughing while picking which Black women they would have a cocktail and a mocktail with! The joy and energy between them radiated throughout the call. Raniyah described how she as a cis Black woman shows up for Black trans* women – constantly educating herself, acknowledging her privilege, and using her power to center trans* voices. Toni-Michelle boldy called on the HIV community to develop their skills to disrupt anti-trans* violence within an abolitionist framework, providing the link to the SnapCo. pledge. |
Beautiful and powerful spoken words from Octavia had everyone tearing up! (Inspired by Becoming Purple by Kineen Mafa, one of PWN’s policy fellows!) |
Virtual Mini-Ball – Headdress Contest
Although Nettie’s headdress change reveal had everyone shook, Dawn Breedon‘s bejeweled hat won her the crown of our mini-ball!

Our honoree Deirdre Speaks had a lovely conversation with Antoinette Jones, PWN’s National Field Organizer and Co-Executive Director of Dandelions, Inc. Deirdre expresses her gratitude to trans* women that mentored her and made her more equipped to support her gender non-conforming child. |
Our 2023 House Ball Honored 13 Trailblazers

Kamaria Laffrey, Venita Ray, Raniyah Copeland, Ci Ci Coven, Toni-Michelle Williams, Marnina “The Queen” Miller, Shadawn McCants, Masonia Traylor, Kayla Gore, Deirdre Speaks Johnson, Tana Pradia, Tiffany Marrero, & Rymsky Evans!
PWN’s Black staff are true visionaries that led the development of CHBW 2023, and our House Ball wouldn’t be complete without celebrating all of their love and work! Crystal, Elena, Ieshia, Antoinette, and Sallie kept us accountable to our commitment to leading our community to celebrate, protect, pay, respect, and honor Black women. Your work is truly changing people’s lives, and we are forever thankful for your presence! |

We had a total of 66 individuals and organizations pledge to celebrate and honor BWLHIV!
Didn’t sign the pledge yet? You still have time! PWN celebrates and honors Black women all year long, show your commitment now!
The following groups made organizational commitments to CHBW: |
Lady BurgAndy AIDS Foundation Chicago The Afiya Center NO ONE LEFT BEHIND Prism Health North Texas Hope in the End The Counter Narrative Project (CNP) Positive People Network, Inc. |