Positive Women's Network-USA  is commemorating the 4th annual Celebrate and Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement (CHBW) national day of action! Black women have always led the way in innovating solutions for the HIV community, but have not consistently been recognized, compensated, or honored for their multitude of contributions and expertise. CHBW helps to move the needle towards righting this injustice and making the HIV movement stronger by giving Black women the recognition they deserve.

This year’s theme is Black Women United in All Shades of Blackness. We See You. We Hear You. Black women have been here. In the HIV movement, Black women are the mentors, caregivers, the elders, the long term survivors, lifetime survivors, and Dandelions. When Black women work together, communities thrive.

This year we're honoring a group of Black women who were chosen by our members for making waves in the HIV movement. We'll be celebrating their work, their wisdom, and their joy at a live event on August 16th at 5pm ET. Join us and watch them receive their flowers, followed by a classic PWN virtual dance party! Follow us on social media as we feature one honoree per day until the big event.

But CHBW is more than a celebration, it's a year-round commitment to do better for Black women in our movement. Join us by pledging to listen to Black women, pay Black women, respect Black women, protect Black women, and honor Black women.

Sign on as an individual, as an organization, or both! We want to see everyone sign the pledge to support CHBW and identify at least one concrete action they will take to uplift the principles of CHBW, because when Black women living with HIV are free, we will all be free!

Let us know how you're planning to commemorate

CHBW by using our hashtags!





