Positive Women's Network-USA  is commemorating the 4th annual Celebrate and Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement (CHBW) national day of action with a virtual celebration tomorrow, August 16th at 5pm ET! 

It's time to watch our honorees speak words of wisdom and receive their flowers, followed by a classic PWN virtual dance party featuring DJ Xeena! Have you registered yet?

This year we're honoring the these amazing individuals:

🌺 Tori Cooper 🌺

🌻 Toi Hughes 🌻

🌹 Lisa Johnson-Lett 🌹

🌼 Kineen Mafa 🌼

🌷 S. Mandisa Moore-O'Neal 🌷

🌸 Kneeshe Parkinson 🌸

🏵 Melanie Reese 🏵

🌺 Lashanda Salinas 🌺

🌻 Derinthia Williams 🌻

Find out all about them and the incredible contributions they are making in our movement on our website.

Another way to join in the celebration is to sign the pledge to listen to Black women, pay Black women, respect Black women, protect Black women, and honor Black women!

Sign on as an individual, as an organization, or both! We want to see everyone sign the pledge to support CHBW and identify at least one concrete action they will take to uplift the principles of CHBW, because when Black women living with HIV are free, we will all be free!

And a big shoutout and thank you to the organizations and coalitions that have already signed this year's CHBW pledge:

Hope in the End

The Health Not Prisons Collective

Osborne Association

National Working Positive Coalition

AIDS Alabama

Black Public Health Academy

The Well Project

The Center for HIV Law and Policy

Black Women's Health Imperative

Older Women Embracing Life

Positive People Network Inc.

U.S. People Living with HIV Caucus

Advocates for Youth

Dandelions, Inc.

The Social Justice Center

The Sero Project

We'll see you tomorrow!