
Break the Culture of Violence Against Women with HIV and All Women

First-Ever National Day of Action to End Violence Against Women with HIV Observed on October 23 With Rallies, Ruckus-Raisings and Social Media Actions Across the US FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford, oford.pwnusa@gmail.com / 347.553.5174 October 23, 2014 – Violence [...]

2014-10-23T05:00:36-04:00October 23rd, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Break the Culture of Violence Against Women with HIV and All Women

PWN-USA Applauds Federal Progress Addressing the Intersections of Violence Against Women, HIV, and Trauma

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford - oford.pwnusa@gmail.com - 347.553.5174 October 10, 2014 - Today, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we congratulate the White House Office of National AIDS Policy on today's release of Updates on Efforts to Address the Intersections of HIV/AIDS, Violence [...]

2014-10-15T00:31:46-04:00October 15th, 2014|Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence, Women-centered Care|3 Comments

What Are PWNers Doing at the US Conference on AIDS?

PWN-USA members and staffers are all over the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) 2014, happening this week at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel in San Diego, CA – we’re presenting, exhibiting, speaking, and more! If you’re at the [...]

2014-09-30T23:08:43-04:00September 30th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What Are PWNers Doing at the US Conference on AIDS?

Two Women with HIV Join Obama’s Pool of Top HIV Advisors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford - oford.pwnusa@gmail.com - 347.553.5174 September 4, 2014 - Positive Women’s Network – USA (PWN-USA) congratulates two of our members, Gina Brown of New Orleans and Grissel Granados of Los Angeles, on their recent appointments [...]

2014-09-04T06:00:22-04:00September 4th, 2014|Leadership stories, PWN-USA Communications, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Two Women with HIV Join Obama’s Pool of Top HIV Advisors

Day of Action to End Violence Against Women with HIV: Save the Date, Join the Call

On October 23, 2014, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, PWN-USA is spearheading a National Day of Action to End Violence Against Women Living with HIV. Please join us for the first Day of Action planning call on Thursday, September 4, [...]

2014-09-02T13:52:17-04:00September 2nd, 2014|Stigma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Day of Action to End Violence Against Women with HIV: Save the Date, Join the Call

“I’m Going to SPEAK UP! Because …”: Why Women Leaders Are Attending PWN-USA’s Summit (Videos)

In just one short month, 200 women living with HIV from every region and corner of the United States will gather in Fort Walton Beach, FL, for SPEAK UP! A National Leadership Summit for Women Living with HIV. Lepena Reid, [...]

2014-08-13T08:00:51-04:00August 13th, 2014|Leadership stories, National Summit 2014, Uncategorized|Comments Off on “I’m Going to SPEAK UP! Because …”: Why Women Leaders Are Attending PWN-USA’s Summit (Videos)

PWN-USA Congratulates UCSF Women’s Health Clinic on Landmark Study of Women, Trauma and HIV Disclosure

Contact: Olivia Ford - oford.pwnusa@gmail.com - 347.553.5174 July 16, 2014 – Last Friday, University of California – San Francisco (UCSF) researchers released study results that add to the growing body of literature surrounding healing from trauma as an essential component of HIV care for [...]

2014-07-16T13:19:30-04:00July 16th, 2014|Media Justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Congratulates UCSF Women’s Health Clinic on Landmark Study of Women, Trauma and HIV Disclosure

Ending the Spectrum: A Timeline of Women’s Struggles Through a Gender and Human-Rights Lens

By Teresa Sullivan, PWN-USA Board of Directors Teresa Sullivan. “We, as women living with HIV, envision a life free from violence, coercion, and discrimination for all people. We, as women living with HIV, demand an end to the [...]

2014-07-07T08:47:17-04:00July 7th, 2014|Economic Justice, human rights, Prevention Justice, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Ending the Spectrum: A Timeline of Women’s Struggles Through a Gender and Human-Rights Lens

Facts, Not Fear: In Ohio and Everywhere, HIV Is Not a Crime

By Naimah Oneal, Regional Co-Chair, PWN-USA-Ohio Naimah Oneal. My name is Naimah Oneal; I am a mother, grandmother, auntie and lastly I am a woman living with HIV.  I must say that I am truly living with HIV [...]

2014-06-26T12:59:00-04:00June 26th, 2014|Criminalization, HIV epidemic, human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, PWN-USA regional organizing, Stigma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Facts, Not Fear: In Ohio and Everywhere, HIV Is Not a Crime

Happy 6th Birthday, PWN-USA!

Positive Women's Network - USA is turning SIX on June 17! Can you believe it? For our birthday, Elton John AIDS Foundation gave us a challenge grant of $10,000 -- meaning EJAF will double every dollar we raise up to our [...]

2014-06-16T17:52:46-04:00June 16th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Happy 6th Birthday, PWN-USA!

HIV Is Not a Crime: Images, Perspectives and Strategies from the Grinnell Gathering

Inclusion. Collaboration. Conflict resolution. Restorative justice. Nuance. Challenge. Coalition. Rage. Healing. Power. There was an energy in Grinnell, Iowa, last week as more than 150 dedicated advocates gathered for HIV Is Not a Crime: The Grinnell Gathering, from June 2-5, [...]

2014-06-12T12:23:58-04:00June 12th, 2014|Criminalization, HIV epidemic, human rights, Leadership stories, Media Justice, PWN-USA Communications, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized|Comments Off on HIV Is Not a Crime: Images, Perspectives and Strategies from the Grinnell Gathering

PWN-USA Applauds Release of Daily HIV Prevention Pill Guidelines as Move Toward Sexual and Reproductive Rights

May 15, 2014 -- Yesterday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) took a major step towards advancing sexual and reproductive health, rights, and choice, by releasing guidelines for the use of a daily HIV prevention pill: Truvada [...]

2014-05-15T16:05:24-04:00May 15th, 2014|Access to Care, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, Research, Uncategorized|Comments Off on PWN-USA Applauds Release of Daily HIV Prevention Pill Guidelines as Move Toward Sexual and Reproductive Rights

We Still Need Family-Centered Programs for Women With HIV: My Part D Story

By Evany Turk Evany Turk. Women are a vital part of our community. Women wear lots of hats and control much of the household, and when a woman is diagnosed with HIV that doesn't stop. Unfortunately she now [...]

2014-05-12T05:57:51-04:00May 12th, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, reproductive justice, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on We Still Need Family-Centered Programs for Women With HIV: My Part D Story

Healthy Women Make Healthy Communities: Reflections on a Time Before Ryan White Part D

By Margot Kirkland-Isaac Margot Kirkland-Isaac. I was truly saddened when I received the news that the President's proposed 2015 budget sought to eliminate Ryan White Part D. It is unacceptable to me to think that, after all these [...]

2014-05-10T20:32:28-04:00May 10th, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, reproductive justice, Stigma, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Healthy Women Make Healthy Communities: Reflections on a Time Before Ryan White Part D

AIDSWatch 2014: PWN-USA Takes Washington, D.C. by Storm!

On April 28 and 29, more than 300 HIV advocates descended on Washington, D.C., for AIDSWatch, the largest annual national constituent-based advocacy event focused on HIV in the U.S. -- two days of trainings and visits with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. [...]

2014-05-01T23:43:20-04:00May 1st, 2014|Access to Care, AIDSWatch, Leadership stories, PWN-USA Communications, PWN-USA regional organizing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on AIDSWatch 2014: PWN-USA Takes Washington, D.C. by Storm!

Services for Women Are Not Disposable! PWN-USA Responds to the President’s Budget Proposal to Eliminate Ryan White Part D

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford, oford.pwnusa@gmail.com / 347.553.5174 March 26, 2014, New Orleans, LA - Just a few weeks ago, President Obama's budget for 2015 was released, proposing the elimination of Part D of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, which provides [...]

2014-03-26T13:05:47-04:00March 26th, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Services for Women Are Not Disposable! PWN-USA Responds to the President’s Budget Proposal to Eliminate Ryan White Part D

The Evolution of HIV Stigma: An Interview with PWN-USA’s Board Chair Barb Cardell, from the Atlas Newsletter

The Evolution of HIV Stigma: An Interview with PWN-USA's Board Chair Barb Cardell, from the Atlas NewsletterReposted from the Atlas Newsletter's website"HIV stigma has been prevalent since the virus’ outbreak in the 1980s. While decades of medical advances have changed [...]

2013-09-04T12:01:44-04:00September 4th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Evolution of HIV Stigma: An Interview with PWN-USA’s Board Chair Barb Cardell, from the Atlas Newsletter

PWN-USA Launches Survey to Understand Romantic & Sexual Lives of US Women Living with HIV!

Positive Women's Network - USA is conducting a community-based research project to better understand the romantic and sexual lives of US women living with HIV, and how HIV-positive women, including transgender women, perceive ourselves with regard to sex and relationships. [...]

2013-08-19T10:45:26-04:00August 19th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PWN-USA Launches Survey to Understand Romantic & Sexual Lives of US Women Living with HIV!

PWN-USA Launches 2013 Strategic Planning Process!

Dear community - As you may know, in early 2013 the Positive Women's Network - USA transitioned to become an independent and autonomous organization, governed entirely by women living with HIV and accountable to our national constituency of HIV-positive women. [...]

2013-07-01T14:56:29-04:00July 1st, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PWN-USA Launches 2013 Strategic Planning Process!

Women’s HIV Advocacy Organizations Continue Building Leadership

WORLD Contact:         Cynthia Carey-Grant, Executive Director, ccarey-grant@womenhiv.org, 510.986.0340 PWN-USA Contact:     Naina Khanna, Executive Director, naina.khanna.work@gmail.com, 510.681.1169 Women’s HIV Advocacy Organizations Continue Building Leadership Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases (WORLD) and the Positive Women’s Network-United States of America [...]

2013-06-05T15:52:36-04:00June 5th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Women’s HIV Advocacy Organizations Continue Building Leadership

Tyler Perry’s “Temptation” and People Living with HIV

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Waheedah Shabazz-El, Founding Member, iamshabazz@yahoo.com, (267) 231-2647 Sonia Rastogi, Communications Director, sbrastogi@gmail.com, (408) 306-6805 Tyler Perry's Temptation Sentences People with HIV to a Lifetime of Stigma and Isolation April 16, 2013, New York, NY – “Tyler [...]

2013-04-16T09:40:39-04:00April 16th, 2013|Count Me In, Criminalization, HIV epidemic, human rights, Prevention Justice, PWN-USA Communications, reproductive justice, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Tyler Perry’s “Temptation” and People Living with HIV

Reflections: Connecting Racist Rhetoric, the Voting Rights Act, and Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

By Susan Mull Don’t you wish pop culture would critique the latest Supreme Court antics surrounding the Voting Rights Act?  After all, aren’t we all more than a little appalled by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia saying that a critical [...]

2013-04-10T11:24:22-04:00April 10th, 2013|Count Me In, Economic Justice, human rights, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Reflections: Connecting Racist Rhetoric, the Voting Rights Act, and Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

PWN-USA Statement on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Updated:  Positive Women's Network - United States of America Congratulates the PACHA for passing Criminalization Resolution In observance of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Positive Women's Network - USA (PWN-USA) urges the  Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) to pass resolution condemning HIV [...]

2013-02-07T04:33:53-05:00February 7th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PWN-USA Statement on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Media Accountability and Responsible Reporting on HIV

by Sonia Rastogi In mid-May of 2011, “a brutal rape and sexual assault was not enough. Now the New York Post has turned its vicious sights on the woman who brought assault charges against International Monetary Fund leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn. [...]

2011-08-22T11:46:19-04:00August 22nd, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Accountability and Responsible Reporting on HIV

It’s About Love

It’s About Love: World AIDS Day 2010 by Naina Khanna This World AIDS Day, December 1st, 2010, I want to talk about love. Yes, love. We talk about sex frequently in the HIV world… but not so much about love. [...]

2010-03-10T13:15:56-05:00March 10th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on It’s About Love

We Will Control Our Own Destinies; We are the “Positive Women’s Network-United States of America”

by Waheedah Shabazz-El The women’s Liberation movement of the 1960’s was undoubtedly a major contributor toward the achievement of women’s empowerment. As we feel our strength and recognize our worth as women we seize and create opportunities for ourselves and [...]

2008-06-30T07:47:35-04:00June 30th, 2008|Uncategorized|Comments Off on We Will Control Our Own Destinies; We are the “Positive Women’s Network-United States of America”
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