
Bringing Visibility to Same-Gender-Loving Women This National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

By Penny DeNoble, PWN-USA Member Penny DeNoble. Tuesday, March 10, 2015, is the 10th annual National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. As social, community, and government groups across the nation prepare to bring awareness to the susceptibility that [...]

2015-03-07T12:56:01-05:00March 7th, 2015|Access to Care, HIV epidemic, human rights, Intersectionality, NWGHAAD, PLHIV Sexuality, Stigma, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bringing Visibility to Same-Gender-Loving Women This National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Services for Women and Youth with HIV Gutted Yet Again!

PWN-USA Responds to the President's Budget Proposal to Eliminate Ryan White Part D FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford, / 347.553.5174 February 3, 2015 – Brooklyn, NY – This Groundhog Day, the forecast for women with HIV looks bleak. [...]

2015-02-03T17:56:45-05:00February 3rd, 2015|human rights, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, reproductive justice, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Services for Women and Youth with HIV Gutted Yet Again!

PWN-USA Recognizes International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

On this day, December 17, 2014, Positive Women’s Network-USA stands with our sisters in recognizing December 17 as the International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers. This Day to End Violence against Sex Workers originated in response to acts [...]

2014-12-17T08:00:14-05:00December 17th, 2014|human rights, Stigma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on PWN-USA Recognizes International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Intersectionality, HIV Justice, and the Future of Our Movement

Part 1: An Introduction to Intersectionality "If we aren’t intersectional, some of us, the most vulnerable, are going to fall through the cracks." - Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw HIV thrives in conditions of structural inequity - where the workings of poverty, [...]

2018-04-01T21:51:05-04:00December 1st, 2014|HIV epidemic, human rights, Intersectionality, Stigma, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Intersectionality, HIV Justice, and the Future of Our Movement

Break the Culture of Violence Against Women with HIV and All Women

First-Ever National Day of Action to End Violence Against Women with HIV Observed on October 23 With Rallies, Ruckus-Raisings and Social Media Actions Across the US FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford, / 347.553.5174 October 23, 2014 – Violence [...]

2014-10-23T05:00:36-04:00October 23rd, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Break the Culture of Violence Against Women with HIV and All Women

PWN-USA Applauds Federal Progress Addressing the Intersections of Violence Against Women, HIV, and Trauma

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford - - 347.553.5174 October 10, 2014 - Today, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we congratulate the White House Office of National AIDS Policy on today's release of Updates on Efforts to Address the Intersections of HIV/AIDS, Violence [...]

2014-10-15T00:31:46-04:00October 15th, 2014|Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence, Women-centered Care|3 Comments

Day of Action to End Violence Against Women with HIV: Save the Date, Join the Call

On October 23, 2014, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, PWN-USA is spearheading a National Day of Action to End Violence Against Women Living with HIV. Please join us for the first Day of Action planning call on Thursday, September 4, [...]

2014-09-02T13:52:17-04:00September 2nd, 2014|Stigma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Day of Action to End Violence Against Women with HIV: Save the Date, Join the Call

PWN-USA Congratulates UCSF Women’s Health Clinic on Landmark Study of Women, Trauma and HIV Disclosure

Contact: Olivia Ford - - 347.553.5174 July 16, 2014 – Last Friday, University of California – San Francisco (UCSF) researchers released study results that add to the growing body of literature surrounding healing from trauma as an essential component of HIV care for [...]

2014-07-16T13:19:30-04:00July 16th, 2014|Media Justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Congratulates UCSF Women’s Health Clinic on Landmark Study of Women, Trauma and HIV Disclosure

Facts, Not Fear: In Ohio and Everywhere, HIV Is Not a Crime

By Naimah Oneal, Regional Co-Chair, PWN-USA-Ohio Naimah Oneal. My name is Naimah Oneal; I am a mother, grandmother, auntie and lastly I am a woman living with HIV.  I must say that I am truly living with HIV [...]

2014-06-26T12:59:00-04:00June 26th, 2014|Criminalization, HIV epidemic, human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, PWN-USA regional organizing, Stigma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Facts, Not Fear: In Ohio and Everywhere, HIV Is Not a Crime

HIV Is Not a Crime: Images, Perspectives and Strategies from the Grinnell Gathering

Inclusion. Collaboration. Conflict resolution. Restorative justice. Nuance. Challenge. Coalition. Rage. Healing. Power. There was an energy in Grinnell, Iowa, last week as more than 150 dedicated advocates gathered for HIV Is Not a Crime: The Grinnell Gathering, from June 2-5, [...]

2014-06-12T12:23:58-04:00June 12th, 2014|Criminalization, HIV epidemic, human rights, Leadership stories, Media Justice, PWN-USA Communications, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized|Comments Off on HIV Is Not a Crime: Images, Perspectives and Strategies from the Grinnell Gathering

Healthy Women Make Healthy Communities: Reflections on a Time Before Ryan White Part D

By Margot Kirkland-Isaac Margot Kirkland-Isaac. I was truly saddened when I received the news that the President's proposed 2015 budget sought to eliminate Ryan White Part D. It is unacceptable to me to think that, after all these [...]

2014-05-10T20:32:28-04:00May 10th, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, reproductive justice, Stigma, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Healthy Women Make Healthy Communities: Reflections on a Time Before Ryan White Part D

PWN-USA’s 2014 – 2016 Strategic Plan

Every day, PWN-USA inspires, informs and mobilizes women living with HIV to advocate for changes that improve our lives and uphold our rights.  In 2013, we went through an extensive strategic planning process and listened to hundreds of stakeholders.  Over [...]

Peace at Home and in the World for Women and Girls Living with HIV

By Waheedah Shabazz-El, PWN-USA Board Member and woman openly living with HIV One cannot deny the devastating impact of physical bruising, scarring, mutilation or death of women and girls due to violence because these unsightly images represent some of the [...]

2013-11-30T12:08:27-05:00November 30th, 2013|Criminalization, human rights, Stigma, Trans Justice, Trauma, Violence, World AIDS Day|Comments Off on Peace at Home and in the World for Women and Girls Living with HIV

PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV  To read full report click here Despite significant advances in treatment and reduction in infectiousness, people living with HIV continue to face discrimination in the health care system, [...]

2013-11-11T18:04:35-05:00November 11th, 2013|Criminalization, human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

PWN-USA Survey Finds Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Rights of US WLHIV

This summer, as part of a project to assess the state of sexual and reproductive health and rights for women living with HIV in the US, PWN-USA launched a national survey. The survey was taken by nearly 200 women living [...]

2013-11-06T05:19:33-05:00November 6th, 2013|human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Survey Finds Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Rights of US WLHIV

Sneak Preview! Findings from a National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

UNSPOKEN: Sexuality, Romance, and Reproductive Freedom for Women Living with HIV in the United States Findings from a National Survey by Positive Women’s Network – United States of America (PWN-USA) Summary: To better understand the current experiences of women living [...]

2013-11-06T04:24:06-05:00November 6th, 2013|human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Sneak Preview! Findings from a National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

I met amazing women today: erasing stigma at AIDS 2012

by Susan Mull July 22, 2012 What is an AIDS-free generation?  Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton clearly stated that it will be a time when no child is born with the virus, teenagers and adults will all be at lower risk, [...]

2012-07-22T11:02:48-04:00July 22nd, 2012|Stigma|Comments Off on I met amazing women today: erasing stigma at AIDS 2012

If Sandra Fluke’s a slut, what am I? HIV and (Institutional) Violence Against Women

by Naina Khanna I still feel sick thinking about the Blunt amendment.  Not two weeks ago, a bill that would have exempted employers from having to pay for birth control failed to pass the male-dominated Senate (83 men to 17 women) [...]

2012-03-14T11:27:00-04:00March 14th, 2012|Media Justice, PLHIV Sexuality, reproductive justice, Stigma|Comments Off on If Sandra Fluke’s a slut, what am I? HIV and (Institutional) Violence Against Women

Still Invisible? Sex workers, drug users and the upcoming International AIDS Conference

By Sonia Rastogi – The U.S. will host the 20th International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Washington, DC in July 2012.  The conference stayed out of the U.S for years, largely because of a community boycott due to the U.S. travel [...]

2011-06-21T11:58:30-04:00June 21st, 2011|AIDS 2012, Criminalization, Stigma|Comments Off on Still Invisible? Sex workers, drug users and the upcoming International AIDS Conference

Violence and HIV: Intersections that Impact Women

By Kat Griffith  I have been privileged to be able to represent the Positive Women’s Network-USA on a national committee charged with creating a training curriculum to teach practitioners in the field about the intersection between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) [...]

2011-06-14T12:04:18-04:00June 14th, 2011|human rights, Stigma, Violence|Comments Off on Violence and HIV: Intersections that Impact Women

The Human Costs of HIV Stigma, And What You Can Do to Change the Story

By Kat Griffith Cross-posted from IL ASAP’s Anti-Stigma T-shirt Campaign Stigma is a three-dollar word that affects millions of Americans in different ways. Defining stigma as simply “a mark of shame or discredit” doesn’t sound very impactful, and yet communities around [...]

2011-03-19T12:13:28-04:00March 19th, 2011|Leadership stories, Stigma|Comments Off on The Human Costs of HIV Stigma, And What You Can Do to Change the Story
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