
Don’t Miss PWN-USA at USCA!!

August 29, 2018: PWN-USA members and staff will be at USCA in beautiful Orlando, Florida, representing U.S. women living with HIV. We hope you will join us for some of these discussions and presentations. Whether you are at USCA or [...]

#AIDS2020ForAll Call to Action

Take the pledge! No #AIDS2020 in Trump's USA! #AIDS2020ForAll Sign on and let IAS know that if all are not welcome, then none of us are. We must stand with those of us living with and impacted by [...]

2018-08-02T20:36:15-04:00August 2nd, 2018|AIDS 2018, AIDS 2020, HIV epidemic, human rights, immigrant rights, Intersectionality, Research, sex work, Trans Justice|Comments Off on #AIDS2020ForAll Call to Action

Honoring the Legacy of the Obama Administration on HIV

December 1, 2016: This #WorldAIDSDay, Positive Women’s Network - USA honors President Obama’s legacy in addressing the domestic HIV epidemic. Over the past eight years, the Obama Administration has advanced essential human rights protections for people living with HIV while ensuring [...]

2017-11-30T23:11:28-05:00December 1st, 2016|Access to Care, HIV Awareness Days, HIV epidemic, Research, Stigma, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care, World AIDS Day|Comments Off on Honoring the Legacy of the Obama Administration on HIV

Groundbreaking Report Identifies Unique Needs of Women Living with HIV, Challenges to Engagement in Care

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo,, 347-553-5174  March 10, 2016 - “What would improve your ability to stay in care?” That is the fundamental question 14 researchers, all women living with HIV, asked 180 participants from seven different geographic areas [...]

2021-06-29T17:44:34-04:00March 9th, 2016|Access to Care, HIV Awareness Days, HIV epidemic, human rights, Intersectionality, NWGHAAD, PLHIV Sexuality, PWN-USA Communications, Research, Ryan White Part D, Trauma, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Groundbreaking Report Identifies Unique Needs of Women Living with HIV, Challenges to Engagement in Care

Separating Science from Stigma Following the Charlie Sheen Disclosure

Charlie Sheen's public disclosure of his HIV status, while producing some of the predictable backlash and stigmatizing comments we have come to expect, has also presented a fantastic opportunity to educate the general public about the current science concerning HIV, [...]

2017-12-01T16:02:42-05:00November 19th, 2015|HIV epidemic, human rights, Leadership stories, Media Justice, Prevention Justice, PWN-USA Communications, Research, Stigma, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Separating Science from Stigma Following the Charlie Sheen Disclosure

Updating the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Vote for the Recommendations Most Vital to Women with HIV!

Can you believe it's been almost FIVE YEARS since the first National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) was released in July 2010? The NHAS is a plan created under President Obama to comprehensively address the domestic HIV epidemic. The first NHAS included [...]

2015-05-18T16:08:00-04:00May 18th, 2015|Access to Care, Criminalization, Economic Justice, HIV epidemic, human rights, Intersectionality, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, Research, Stigma, Trans Justice, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Updating the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Vote for the Recommendations Most Vital to Women with HIV!

PWN-USA Teams with Healthcare Providers to Release New Model for Trauma-Informed Care

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford – – 347.553.5174 May 6, 2015 – Today, Positive Women’s Network – USA (PWN-USA), a national membership body of women with HIV, is proud to announce the release of a new model for [...]

2015-05-06T08:55:07-04:00May 6th, 2015|Access to Care, HIV epidemic, human rights, Intersectionality, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Research, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Teams with Healthcare Providers to Release New Model for Trauma-Informed Care

White Paper Shows Key Gaps in the Affordable Care Act and Opportunities for the Ryan White Program to Provide Healthcare for Women with HIV

Download the full report (PDF) Download a one-page summary of the report (PDF) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Nerissa Irizarry, Positive Women’s Network-USA - Melanie Medalle, SisterLove, Inc. - Ariel Tazkargy, National Women’s Health Network - March 10, 2015 - March [...]

2015-03-10T01:20:48-04:00March 10th, 2015|Access to Care, HIV epidemic, human rights, NWGHAAD, Research, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on White Paper Shows Key Gaps in the Affordable Care Act and Opportunities for the Ryan White Program to Provide Healthcare for Women with HIV

PWN-USA Congratulates UCSF Women’s Health Clinic on Landmark Study of Women, Trauma and HIV Disclosure

Contact: Olivia Ford - - 347.553.5174 July 16, 2014 – Last Friday, University of California – San Francisco (UCSF) researchers released study results that add to the growing body of literature surrounding healing from trauma as an essential component of HIV care for [...]

2014-07-16T13:19:30-04:00July 16th, 2014|Media Justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Congratulates UCSF Women’s Health Clinic on Landmark Study of Women, Trauma and HIV Disclosure

PWN-USA Applauds Release of Daily HIV Prevention Pill Guidelines as Move Toward Sexual and Reproductive Rights

May 15, 2014 -- Yesterday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) took a major step towards advancing sexual and reproductive health, rights, and choice, by releasing guidelines for the use of a daily HIV prevention pill: Truvada [...]

2014-05-15T16:05:24-04:00May 15th, 2014|Access to Care, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, Research, Uncategorized|Comments Off on PWN-USA Applauds Release of Daily HIV Prevention Pill Guidelines as Move Toward Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Healing in Order to Treat: Addressing Violence and Trauma to Improve Health Outcomes for Women With HIV

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford, / 510.333.4262 New York City, March 10, 2014 – Today, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Positive Women's Network - United States of America (PWN-USA) is Sharing Knowledge and Taking Action to [...]

2014-03-09T22:49:04-04:00March 9th, 2014|PWN-USA Communications, Research, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Healing in Order to Treat: Addressing Violence and Trauma to Improve Health Outcomes for Women With HIV

PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV  To read full report click here Despite significant advances in treatment and reduction in infectiousness, people living with HIV continue to face discrimination in the health care system, [...]

2013-11-11T18:04:35-05:00November 11th, 2013|Criminalization, human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

PWN-USA Survey Finds Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Rights of US WLHIV

This summer, as part of a project to assess the state of sexual and reproductive health and rights for women living with HIV in the US, PWN-USA launched a national survey. The survey was taken by nearly 200 women living [...]

2013-11-06T05:19:33-05:00November 6th, 2013|human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Survey Finds Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Rights of US WLHIV

Sneak Preview! Findings from a National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

UNSPOKEN: Sexuality, Romance, and Reproductive Freedom for Women Living with HIV in the United States Findings from a National Survey by Positive Women’s Network – United States of America (PWN-USA) Summary: To better understand the current experiences of women living [...]

2013-11-06T04:24:06-05:00November 6th, 2013|human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Sneak Preview! Findings from a National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

Violence is the Fatal Flaw in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

Getting to Zero for Women: Violence is the Fatal Flaw in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Sonia Rastogi,, (408) 306-6805 November 28, 2012, Oakland, CA – Data released in 2012 shows a shocking correlation between violence, [...]

2012-11-28T07:53:54-05:00November 28th, 2012|Count Me In, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Research, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Violence is the Fatal Flaw in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
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