reproductive justice

Furious and Ready to Fight: Are you with us to Liberate Abortion?

May 3, 2022FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASELast night we learned about a leaked draft of the U.S. Supreme Court opinion that explicitly overturns Roe v. Wade, the momentous 1973 decision that guaranteed constitutional protections for abortion rights. It’s a horrifying and unprecedented [...]

2022-05-03T15:08:30-04:00May 3rd, 2022|abortion, advocacy, gender justice, reproductive justice|Comments Off on Furious and Ready to Fight: Are you with us to Liberate Abortion?

Abortion Is a Human Right. No Exceptions.

September 3, 2021: This week, the U.S. Supreme Court, which is now stacked with six reactionary justices after the Trump administration installed Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, effectively gutted Roe v. Wade when a five-to-four majority--including all [...]

2021-09-03T18:45:22-04:00September 3rd, 2021|abortion, reproductive justice|1 Comment

A Win for Protecting the Right to a Safe, Legal Abortion–and a Loss in the Global Fight Against AIDS

June 30, 2020: Yesterday, the Supreme Court struck down yet another attempt to limit abortion care access in the landmark case, June Medical Services v. Russo. This latest case is a part of a larger, intentional effort to prevent those [...]

2020-06-30T18:46:03-04:00June 30th, 2020|Access to Care, advocacy, Criminalization, HIV epidemic, human rights, reproductive justice, sex work|Comments Off on A Win for Protecting the Right to a Safe, Legal Abortion–and a Loss in the Global Fight Against AIDS

Organizing Spotlight: PWN-USA Soars High with R.I.S.E. Training Academy

April 30, 2020: How are you centering the voices of women of trans experience of color living with HIV? How does your organization support the leadership of folks of trans experience? What is currently underway to ensure that women of [...]

2020-04-30T19:46:01-04:00April 30th, 2020|Economic Justice, racial justice, reproductive justice, Trans Justice|Comments Off on Organizing Spotlight: PWN-USA Soars High with R.I.S.E. Training Academy

Today Is the 6th Annual Day of Action to End Violence Against Women Living with HIV! Here’s Everything You Need to Get Involved.

TODAY, October 23, 2019, is Positive Women's Network - USA's sixth annual Day of Action to End Violence Against Women Living with HIV. Sign On to Endorse the Day of Action to End Violence Against Women Living with HIV More [...]

2021-11-16T10:02:43-05:00October 23rd, 2019|National Day of Action to End Violence Against Women with HIV, PLHIV Sexuality, reproductive justice, Trans Justice, Trauma, Violence|Comments Off on Today Is the 6th Annual Day of Action to End Violence Against Women Living with HIV! Here’s Everything You Need to Get Involved.

Trump-Pence Administration Proposed Rule Would Weaken the Affordable Care Act’s Non-Discrimination Protections for Abortion Care and People of Trans Experience

May 24, 2019: Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a proposed rule reinterpreting the scope of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Section 1557 is the non-discrimination section of the ACA. It bars health [...]

2019-05-24T21:14:10-04:00May 24th, 2019|Access to Care, reproductive justice, Trans Justice|Comments Off on Trump-Pence Administration Proposed Rule Would Weaken the Affordable Care Act’s Non-Discrimination Protections for Abortion Care and People of Trans Experience

Catch PWN at the Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit

November 27, 2018: PWN-USA members and staff will be at the Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit in beautiful Los Angeles, California, representing U.S. women living with HIV. We hope you will join us for some of these discussions and presentations if you [...]

2018-11-27T22:33:08-05:00November 27th, 2018|HIV epidemic, human rights, Intersectionality, Prevention Justice, racial justice, reproductive justice, sex work, Stigma, Trans Justice, Trauma, U=U, Violence|Comments Off on Catch PWN at the Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit

Our Bodies, Our Families: Our Business.

Trump Administration’s Domestic Gag Rule Would Take Away Our Right to Choose--and Our Health CareMay 21, 2018: Positive Women’s Network - USA strongly condemns the Trump-Pence administration’s latest attack on sexual and reproductive health, rights and bodily autonomy of low-income people, [...]

2018-05-21T16:17:08-04:00May 21st, 2018|Access to Care, health care, human rights, reproductive justice|Comments Off on Our Bodies, Our Families: Our Business.

If Silence=Death, Where Is the HIV Community’s Voice Resisting the War Against Immigrants in the United States?

This statement is also available in Spanish. A call to marshal our full resources, voice and political power in support of immigrants targeted by hateful policies and dangerous, dehumanizing rhetoric. Borders are imaginary political lines drawn to consolidate power and resources. [...]

2018-05-01T21:19:49-04:00May 1st, 2018|Access to Care, health care, human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, racial justice, racism, reproductive justice|Comments Off on If Silence=Death, Where Is the HIV Community’s Voice Resisting the War Against Immigrants in the United States?

Our Resistance Recess Toolkit Has Lots of Ideas and Resources to Take Action This August Recess!

August 8: We did it! Through people power, we killed the efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act! At least for now, and just by one vote. We have lots of work ahead of us. All members of Congress are home for the August [...]

On #NWGHAAD, PWNers Assert and Celebrate #BodilyAutonomy

March 16, 2017: For National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (#NWGHAAD), PWNers from coast to coast hosted and participated in events, in person and online, raising awareness and educating our communities about HIV and its impact on women and girls and [...]

On #NWGHAAD, We Celebrate #BodilyAutonomy

March 10, 2017: Today is National Women & Girls HIV Awareness Day. In honor of the approximately 300,000 women living with HIV in the United States, please join Positive Women's Network - USA in asserting and celebrating the bodily autonomy of [...]

#WhyWeMarch: Toward Liberation and Justice

Art by Jennifer Maravillas January 20, 2017: Today, a thin-skinned, authoritarian narcissist who lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes is being sworn into the highest office in the United States, and arguably the most powerful position [...]

2017-11-29T22:44:07-05:00January 20th, 2017|Count Me In, Criminalization, human rights, Intersectionality, racism, reproductive justice, resistance, Trans Justice, Uncategorized|Comments Off on #WhyWeMarch: Toward Liberation and Justice

PWN-USA Launches Inaugural Class of Policy Fellowship!

January 19, 2017: Positive Women’s Network-USA (PWN-USA) is proud to launch applications for our inaugural 2017-2018 Policy Fellowship for women living with HIV (WLHIV). The yearlong Policy Fellowship will advance our organizational mission to prepare and involve WLHIV in all [...]

2017-11-29T22:46:17-05:00January 18th, 2017|HIV epidemic, reproductive justice, Stigma, Uncategorized|Comments Off on PWN-USA Launches Inaugural Class of Policy Fellowship!

Young Women Living with HIV Deserve Support and Leadership Roles in HIV Community

PWN-USA Statement for National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day APRIL 8, 2016: Young women living with HIV have unique needs that often go unaddressed. HIV stigma, discrimination, ageism, complexities of treatment regimens, and economic challenges present a unique set of barriers to [...]

Services for Women and Youth with HIV Gutted Yet Again!

PWN-USA Responds to the President's Budget Proposal to Eliminate Ryan White Part D FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Olivia Ford, / 347.553.5174 February 3, 2015 – Brooklyn, NY – This Groundhog Day, the forecast for women with HIV looks bleak. [...]

2015-02-03T17:56:45-05:00February 3rd, 2015|human rights, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, reproductive justice, Stigma, Trauma, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Services for Women and Youth with HIV Gutted Yet Again!

We Still Need Family-Centered Programs for Women With HIV: My Part D Story

By Evany Turk Evany Turk. Women are a vital part of our community. Women wear lots of hats and control much of the household, and when a woman is diagnosed with HIV that doesn't stop. Unfortunately she now [...]

2014-05-12T05:57:51-04:00May 12th, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, reproductive justice, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on We Still Need Family-Centered Programs for Women With HIV: My Part D Story

Healthy Women Make Healthy Communities: Reflections on a Time Before Ryan White Part D

By Margot Kirkland-Isaac Margot Kirkland-Isaac. I was truly saddened when I received the news that the President's proposed 2015 budget sought to eliminate Ryan White Part D. It is unacceptable to me to think that, after all these [...]

2014-05-10T20:32:28-04:00May 10th, 2014|Access to Care, human rights, reproductive justice, Stigma, Uncategorized, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Healthy Women Make Healthy Communities: Reflections on a Time Before Ryan White Part D

PWN-USA’s 2014 – 2016 Strategic Plan

Every day, PWN-USA inspires, informs and mobilizes women living with HIV to advocate for changes that improve our lives and uphold our rights.  In 2013, we went through an extensive strategic planning process and listened to hundreds of stakeholders.  Over [...]

On World AIDS Day, Getting to Zero Discrimination: Women with HIV Call for an End to Violence

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Sonia Rastogi, December 1, 2013 Oakland, CA – “Violence takes many forms, including but not limited to physical and sexual violence. Violence includes laws that regulate our bodies and who we choose to love. Violence [...]

2013-12-01T09:00:12-05:00December 1st, 2013|reproductive justice, Trauma, Violence, World AIDS Day|Comments Off on On World AIDS Day, Getting to Zero Discrimination: Women with HIV Call for an End to Violence

PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV  To read full report click here Despite significant advances in treatment and reduction in infectiousness, people living with HIV continue to face discrimination in the health care system, [...]

2013-11-11T18:04:35-05:00November 11th, 2013|Criminalization, human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Releases Groundbreaking Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

PWN-USA Survey Finds Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Rights of US WLHIV

This summer, as part of a project to assess the state of sexual and reproductive health and rights for women living with HIV in the US, PWN-USA launched a national survey. The survey was taken by nearly 200 women living [...]

2013-11-06T05:19:33-05:00November 6th, 2013|human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on PWN-USA Survey Finds Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Rights of US WLHIV

Sneak Preview! Findings from a National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

UNSPOKEN: Sexuality, Romance, and Reproductive Freedom for Women Living with HIV in the United States Findings from a National Survey by Positive Women’s Network – United States of America (PWN-USA) Summary: To better understand the current experiences of women living [...]

2013-11-06T04:24:06-05:00November 6th, 2013|human rights, PLHIV Sexuality, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice, Research, Stigma, Trauma, Violence, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Sneak Preview! Findings from a National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for US WLHIV

Why Tyler Perry’s Temptation Kills Women With HIV

This full article ran on on April 19, 2013 by Naina Khanna  I have been sitting with and following the reactions to Tyler Perry's Temptation over the last couple weeks. Within the HIV community, and outside of it. Within the feminist community, and [...]

2013-05-01T11:17:16-04:00May 1st, 2013|Criminalization, Media Justice, PLHIV Sexuality, reproductive justice, Violence|Comments Off on Why Tyler Perry’s Temptation Kills Women With HIV

Tyler Perry’s “Temptation” and People Living with HIV

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Waheedah Shabazz-El, Founding Member,, (267) 231-2647 Sonia Rastogi, Communications Director,, (408) 306-6805 Tyler Perry's Temptation Sentences People with HIV to a Lifetime of Stigma and Isolation April 16, 2013, New York, NY – “Tyler [...]

2013-04-16T09:40:39-04:00April 16th, 2013|Count Me In, Criminalization, HIV epidemic, human rights, Prevention Justice, PWN-USA Communications, reproductive justice, Uncategorized, Violence|Comments Off on Tyler Perry’s “Temptation” and People Living with HIV

PWN-USA leaders on Positive Women’s Rights in the New Era of Science

PWN-USA leaders discuss HIV-positive women's rights in the era of treatment advances and new science From the BETABlog: Access to health care, and the quality of that care, are also of critical importance to women already living with the virus. [...]

2013-03-08T13:52:26-05:00March 8th, 2013|human rights, reproductive justice|Comments Off on PWN-USA leaders on Positive Women’s Rights in the New Era of Science

If Sandra Fluke’s a slut, what am I? HIV and (Institutional) Violence Against Women

by Naina Khanna I still feel sick thinking about the Blunt amendment.  Not two weeks ago, a bill that would have exempted employers from having to pay for birth control failed to pass the male-dominated Senate (83 men to 17 women) [...]

2012-03-14T11:27:00-04:00March 14th, 2012|Media Justice, PLHIV Sexuality, reproductive justice, Stigma|Comments Off on If Sandra Fluke’s a slut, what am I? HIV and (Institutional) Violence Against Women

Gina Brown: “I can still remember hearing the words, ‘you have AIDS and you’re going to die.”

By Gina Brown   My name is Gina Brown and I am a woman living with HIV. I was diagnosed 17 years ago while pregnant with my daughter. I can still remember hearing the words, “you have AIDS and you’re [...]

2012-01-11T11:38:42-05:00January 11th, 2012|Access to Care, human rights, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice|Comments Off on Gina Brown: “I can still remember hearing the words, ‘you have AIDS and you’re going to die.”

Closing the Gaps for Women through Prevention: A Tremendous Victory to Uphold the Rights of Women and Girls Nationwide!

By Sonia Rastogi A ray of hope in the war on women came on August 1, 2011, when the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) officially adopted the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) guidelines recommending that HIV testing and contraception options [...]

2011-08-02T05:23:22-04:00August 2nd, 2011|HIV epidemic, National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Prevention Justice, reproductive justice, Women-centered Care|Comments Off on Closing the Gaps for Women through Prevention: A Tremendous Victory to Uphold the Rights of Women and Girls Nationwide!

Why Not Me? How I became an advocate for women on HIV and reproductive issues

Why Not Me? How I became an advocate for women on HIV and reproductive issues -by Michelle Anderson My name is Michelle Anderson and I live in Dallas, TX. Here is my story on how I transformed into an advocate [...]

2011-06-27T13:05:20-04:00June 27th, 2011|human rights, Leadership stories, reproductive justice|Comments Off on Why Not Me? How I became an advocate for women on HIV and reproductive issues
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