
Sanctuary and Solidarity: A Vision for the HIV Movement.

Sanctuary (n): a place of refuge and protectionNovember 30, 2018: The AIDS legacy is built on creating sanctuary. When a mysterious epidemic that researchers did not yet understand and politicians did not yet dare name aloud claimed the lives of [...]

2018-11-30T02:39:15-05:00November 30th, 2018|HIV Awareness Days, HIV epidemic, human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, Intersectionality, racial justice, World AIDS Day|Comments Off on Sanctuary and Solidarity: A Vision for the HIV Movement.

Birthright Citizenship Is Guaranteed by the 14th Amendment

October 30, 2018: Today we heard some shocking news. Trump announced plans to issue an executive order that would purport to revoke the right to citizenship for children born on US soil to non-US citizens, often called “birthright citizenship,” in [...]

2018-10-30T23:14:01-04:00October 30th, 2018|human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, Intersectionality, resistance, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Birthright Citizenship Is Guaranteed by the 14th Amendment

Trump’s Hateful Public Charge Proposal Will Be Deadly for Immigrants Living with HIV and Other Chronic Health Conditions

September 28, 2018: Last weekend, in its latest attack on the most vulnerable Americans, the Trump administration announced a proposal that, if implemented, would intimidate and seek to punish immigrants for accessing--or even being perceived as potentially needing--nutrition, housing, and medical [...]

2018-12-04T16:10:17-05:00September 28th, 2018|Access to Care, Economic Justice, health care, human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, Violence|Comments Off on Trump’s Hateful Public Charge Proposal Will Be Deadly for Immigrants Living with HIV and Other Chronic Health Conditions

Bay Area, U.S. & Global Human Rights Advocates Demand 2020 International AIDS Conference Be Removed from U.S.

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE**Contact: Cecilia Chung +1.415.902.0216, Naina Khanna +1.510.681.1169, George Ayala +, gayala@mpactglobal.orgBAY AREA, U.S. AND GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES DEMAND 2020 INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE BE REMOVED FROM U.S. They cite danger for potential participants and human rights violations in the U.S. [...]

2018-07-23T14:13:12-04:00July 23rd, 2018|AIDS 2018, AIDS 2020, Criminalization, human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, Intersectionality, racism, sex work, Trans Justice|Comments Off on Bay Area, U.S. & Global Human Rights Advocates Demand 2020 International AIDS Conference Be Removed from U.S.

PWN-USA Texas Heads to the Border to Protest Immigrant Detention

July 14, 2018: What does immigration have to do with women living with HIV? According to PWN-USA Texas members—everything.Tana Pradia and Jessi Mona Cartwright-Biggs hopped on a bus to Brownsville, Texas, June 28 to protest the administration’s immigration policy of [...]

2018-07-17T18:08:30-04:00July 14th, 2018|human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, Intersectionality|Comments Off on PWN-USA Texas Heads to the Border to Protest Immigrant Detention

If Silence=Death, Where Is the HIV Community’s Voice Resisting the War Against Immigrants in the United States?

This statement is also available in Spanish. A call to marshal our full resources, voice and political power in support of immigrants targeted by hateful policies and dangerous, dehumanizing rhetoric. Borders are imaginary political lines drawn to consolidate power and resources. [...]

2018-05-01T21:19:49-04:00May 1st, 2018|Access to Care, health care, human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, racial justice, racism, reproductive justice|Comments Off on If Silence=Death, Where Is the HIV Community’s Voice Resisting the War Against Immigrants in the United States?

HIV Leaders of Color Announce Their Declaration of Liberation

The Framework to Build a Racially Just and Strategic HIV Movement Addresses Root Causes of the Epidemic and Lights a New Way Forward **FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** Contacts: Naina Khanna, (510) 681-1169; Charles Stephens, (404) 550-4697; November 9, 2017: What could radical leadership look like [...]

This May Day, Join the HIV Community Movement for Expanded Sanctuary

A Joint Statement from Counter Narrative Project, HIV Prevention Justice Alliance, Positive Women’s Network – USA, TransLatin@ Coalition, Treatment Action Group, the US People Living with HIV Caucus and Venas Abiertas Leer en español aquí you have to understand, that [...]

2017-11-29T22:08:47-05:00May 1st, 2017|human rights, immigrant rights, immigration, Intersectionality, resistance, Trans Justice, Uncategorized|Comments Off on This May Day, Join the HIV Community Movement for Expanded Sanctuary
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