electoral organizing

Bruised, battered, resilient, proud, triumphant

November 6, 2020: We've got a lot of feelings right now.Our spirits are bruised, our anxiety high. We bear the scars of generations of trauma, the legacy of white supremacy and patriarchy. They drive us to continue to fight for [...]

2020-11-13T18:32:56-05:00November 6th, 2020|election, electoral organizing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bruised, battered, resilient, proud, triumphant

The polls have closed, but we’re not done until every vote is counted.

November 4, 2020Hey PWN family, You came through! In a year of a new pandemic; of a brutal backlash to uprisings for racial justice; and in the face of so many threats to our bodily autonomy, our families, and our [...]

2020-11-04T17:20:37-05:00November 4th, 2020|election, electoral organizing|Comments Off on The polls have closed, but we’re not done until every vote is counted.

We likely won’t know the final outcome of the election tomorrow night, and that’s OK.

November 2, 2020: Tomorrow night, the polls will close for the most significant election of our lives. Many of us have dedicated countless hours to making sure that every eligible voter in our community gets to have their voice heard. [...]

2020-11-03T01:50:21-05:00November 3rd, 2020|election, electoral organizing|Comments Off on We likely won’t know the final outcome of the election tomorrow night, and that’s OK.

Still got your mail ballot? Make sure it counts.

October 29, 2020: Maybe you're like the 66 million Americans who have already voted. If so... Haven't voted yet? Perhaps you've still got that mail or absentee ballot sitting on that corner of the kitchen table where your mail hangs [...]

2020-11-01T22:20:18-05:00October 29th, 2020|election, electoral organizing|Comments Off on Still got your mail ballot? Make sure it counts.

Organizing Spotlight: NC “Queens for Change” Won’t Be Stopped

September 30, 2020: With so much going on in our country today, it can be easy to forget that the most crucial election of our lifetime is only a little over a month away. Civil uprisings are continuing to happen [...]

2020-10-01T00:32:36-04:00September 30th, 2020|coronavirus, covid-19, election, electoral organizing|Comments Off on Organizing Spotlight: NC “Queens for Change” Won’t Be Stopped

Organizing Spotlight: Digital Organizing to Get Out the Vote for Houston Runoff Elections

July 27, 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things in our day-to-day lives. The response to the pandemic by many elected officials in America, from state houses to the White House, has been dismal. But elections are [...]

2020-07-27T21:58:27-04:00July 27th, 2020|covid-19, election, electoral organizing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Organizing Spotlight: Digital Organizing to Get Out the Vote for Houston Runoff Elections

Organizing Spotlight: PWNers in Atlanta Ensure Voter Access for Georgians, Despite Voter Suppression

July 1, 2020: You stand in the rain. You stand in the heat. The line is long. You are hungry and thirsty. You are frustrated. You are standing too close for comfort to someone in the midst of the COVID-19 [...]

2020-07-01T19:24:39-04:00July 1st, 2020|coronavirus, electoral organizing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Organizing Spotlight: PWNers in Atlanta Ensure Voter Access for Georgians, Despite Voter Suppression

Organizing Spotlight: PWN Pennsylvania Works to Get Out the Vote-by-Mail

June 1, 2020: PWN Pennsylvania has been active in their community for years. Since 2018, they have been registering new voters, educating their community about elections and voter rights, and mobilizing the voters they've registered and engaged with to get [...]

2020-06-01T17:42:02-04:00June 1st, 2020|election, electoral organizing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Organizing Spotlight: PWN Pennsylvania Works to Get Out the Vote-by-Mail

Organizing Spotlight: Women Engaged

November 22, 2019: Women Engaged is a pioneer in the reproductive justice movement as one of the very few organizations in Atlanta, Georgia to use an integrated voter engagement model to not only increase civic engagement but to build power [...]

2019-11-22T18:02:51-05:00November 22nd, 2019|electoral organizing, human rights|Comments Off on Organizing Spotlight: Women Engaged

PWN Action Fund Launches 12-month Get Out The HIV Vote Plan 

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** Contact: communications@pwn-usa.org Positive Women’s Network Action Fund Launches 12-month Get Out The HIV Vote Plan Following a five-day intensive training on electoral organizing, leaders from 10 states leave fired up and ready to mobilize the HIV [...]

2021-11-15T14:30:26-05:00November 1st, 2019|electoral organizing|Comments Off on PWN Action Fund Launches 12-month Get Out The HIV Vote Plan 

PWN Kicks Off Organizing for Power: Road to 2020 Electoral Organizing Effort with a Five-Day Intensive Bootcamp

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** Contact: communications(at)pwn-usa.org Positive Women’s Network – USA Kicks Off Organizing for Power: Road to 2020 Electoral Organizing Effort with a Five-Day Intensive Bootcamp Eleven teams from ten states, all led by women and people of trans experience [...]

2021-11-15T14:31:59-05:00October 28th, 2019|election, electoral organizing|Comments Off on PWN Kicks Off Organizing for Power: Road to 2020 Electoral Organizing Effort with a Five-Day Intensive Bootcamp

Organizing Spotlight: Organizing for Power Teams Head to Atlanta for Electoral Organizing Bootcamp

October 24, 2019: This is really happening! PWN-USA is going on the road to Atlanta, Georgia, for our in-person electoral organizing bootcamp starting this Sunday, October 27! Teams from 11 key geographic locations who are part of PWN’s cutting-edge new [...]

2019-10-23T21:07:44-04:00October 24th, 2019|electoral organizing, Organizing Tools, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Organizing Spotlight: Organizing for Power Teams Head to Atlanta for Electoral Organizing Bootcamp

PWN Launches 2020 HIV Voter Engagement Plan

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** Contact: communications(at)pwn-usa.org POSITIVE WOMEN’S NETWORK – USA LAUNCHES 2020 HIV VOTER ENGAGEMENT PLAN The intensive, multi-state voter engagement plan will leverage the power of people living with and affected by HIV to activate communities historically ignored by [...]

2021-11-16T09:03:44-05:00September 23rd, 2019|election, electoral organizing, health care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on PWN Launches 2020 HIV Voter Engagement Plan
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