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We are excited to announce that we are seeking visionary and strategic leaders to build on Naina and Venita’s legacy and step into the role of PWN’s Co-Executive Directors! We are looking for two co-EDs who are dedicated to human rights, hold an intersectional analysis of social justice, and have a track record of building collaborative and inclusive relationships within and outside of the HIV field to lead PWN to their next stage of growth.

PWN has successfully developed grassroots leadership among cis and trans* women living with HIV for 15 years while influencing policy at the local, state, and national levels. The next co-executive director team has the opportunity to lead a financially stable, membership-based organization with strong positive relationships with key actors in the HIV and reproductive justice fields. The incoming co-executive directors will build on PWN’s firm foundation as a power-building organization to expand PWN’s impact and grow our ability to fight for the liberation that our communities deserve.

You can learn more about the position and apply here. You can apply as a two-person team or as an individual and our hiring committee will match you up with another compatible applicant in the end stages of the hiring process. We strongly encourage PWN members to apply. Applications are due by October 23, 2023 at 12pm ET. We are considering applications on a rolling basis.

This search is being conducted by Marsha Davis (she/her) of Davis Squared Consulting. If you have any questions about the position or hiring process feel free to reach out to her at

We are excited to help usher in this new stage of impact for PWN and hope you will help us find the right people for these roles.