January 13, 2020: Positive Women’s Network – USA (PWN) is proud to launch applications for the fourth year of our PWN Policy Fellowship, a year-long program designed to prepare and support women and trans and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people to engage effectively in federal, state and local policy and advocacy.
“Finding out how much policy played a role in my advocacy made me dig into my deeper self. The support, the knowledge, the love gave me a bigger insight into who I was as a woman, and as a black woman living with HIV. It gave me the freedom to fight…the value of that is priceless.”
– Meta Smith, PWN Policy Fellowship graduate, Baton Rouge, LA
Join us for a webinar on what it means to be a Policy Fellow and tips for a successful application Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 5pm EST/4pm CST/3pm MST/2pm PST.
Register for the webinar here |
Our flagship PWN Policy Fellowship focuses on training women and TGNC people living with HIV overcome barriers that have traditionally kept us from influencing federal, state, and local policy. The fellowship curriculum is rooted in social justice and applies an explicit gender justice and racial justice lens to all aspects of policy advocacy. Best of all, you do not need to be an expert or seasoned advocate to be a PWN Policy Fellow–you just need to demonstrate genuine interest in advocacy and be ready to learn and work!
The current political environment is marred by ongoing and escalating threats to sexual and reproductive rights, basic health care, bodily autonomy, the social safety net, and civil and political rights. PWN Policy Fellows learn to effectively react to those threats, but we don’t stop with defensive campaigns. Participants also learn to advocate for transformative social and political change that aims to dismantle the oppressive systems that harm our communities.
Learn more and apply for the PWN Policy Fellowship here |
“I recall one of the first assignments was to do research on my local representatives. I learned a lot… and from there to move over to the 86th legislative session, research bills, and speak to committee members regarding bills we supported or opposed was powerful! I would encourage all of our members to apply for the PWN Policy Fellowship.”
– Jessi Mona Cartwright-Biggs, PWN Policy Fellowship graduate, Houston, TX
Past fellows have led statewide campaigns to modernize HIV criminalization laws, testified at congressional briefings, organized advocacy days at their state capitol, created a rapid response team to mobilize the HIV community during the legislative session, and so much more. Every year, PWN Policy Fellows grow the number of women and TGNC people living with HIV who take the lead in local, state, and federal policy spaces. Is it your turn this year?
Want to see if the PWN Policy Fellowship is right for you and get tips on how to apply successfully?
We will have a webinar to explain the fellowship and walk you through the application process on Tuesday, January 21, at 5pm ET/4pm CT/3pm MT/2pm PT. See you there!
Deadline to apply for the PWN Policy Fellowship is February 17, 2020.
Register for the webinar here |