XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) Washington D.C. WE CAN END AIDS MARCH © IAS/Deborah W. Campos – Commercialimage.net
Strong women! PWN-USA Staff at our January 2015 retreat.
Oakland, CA
PWN-USA Georgia members & allies at a World AIDS Day event at Shy Temple Memorial Church in Atlanta
Cleveland, OH
We welcomed women leaders to the International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC with a reception and open arms
Lepena Reid at Florida Department of Health
PWN-USA Georgia members & allies at a World AIDS Day event at Shy Temple Memorial Church in Atlanta
PWN-USA Southern Summit attendees!
Denver, CO
Atlanta, GA
PWN-USA Georgia members at World AIDS Day event at Betterway Foundation in Columbus, GA
Atlanta, GA
Philadelphia, PA
PWN-USA envisions a world where women living with HIV (WLWH) can live long, healthy, dignified and productive lives, free from stigma and discrimination. Our mission is to prepare and involve all women living with HIV, in all our diversity, including gender identity and sexual expression, in all levels of policy and decision-making. (
Learn more about PWN-USA’s mission, vision and values)
Join PWN-USA today!
PWN-USA members are individuals who self-identify as women living with HIV — whatever that identity looks like or means for them — and want to be part of the nationwide membership circle of PWN-USA.
PWN-USA allies are individuals who support PWN-USA’s mission, and do not self-identify as HIV positive, whatever their HIV status may be.
Members are welcome to join any of PWN-USA’s active Workgroups. Workgroups are the primary way that PWN-USA engages its membership in advice, decision-making, input, and taking action on issues. Each group maintains a Google listserv of members, and holds periodic meetings via conference call.
Current Workgroups:
Policy Workgroup: Provides input into and guidance on PWN-USA’s policy agenda, priorities, and positions on policy issues.
Learn about PWN-USA’s Policy Agenda
Strategic Communications Action Team (SCAT): Advises and leads PWN-USA’s communications plan and strategy; increase the visibility of women and HIV issues locally and nationally; engages in PWN-USA media and communications initiatives to push forward our policy goals.
Learn about PWN-USA’s Strategic Communicators
Regional Organizing and Leadership Development Workgroup: Supports local and state-level organizing by women living with HIV to advance PWN-USA’s mission and work; supports and strengthens leadership development and mentorship opportunities throughout PWN-USA, especially identifying and fostering new leaders.
Learn about PWN-USA’s Regional Chapters
If you’d like to become part of this work, as a member or ally, please fill out the form below! (we will not sell or share your information)
If you’d like to receive our email updates and learn about what we do that way, feel free to sign up by clicking the button on the right side of this page.
Join us in working to improve the lives and uphold the rights of U.S. women living with HIV!
[contact-form to=’jennie.sc.pwnusa@gmail.com’ subject=’Someone New Just Became a Part of PWN-USA!’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’/][contact-field label=’Street Address (optional)’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’City (optional)’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’State’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’ZIP Code’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Twitter (if you have an account)’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Age (optional)’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’HIV Status’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Positive,Negative,I don%26#039;t know’/][contact-field label=’Gender’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’I%26#039;m joining as a:’ type=’select’ options=’PWN-USA Member,PWN-USA Ally’/][contact-field label=’Please add me to the Policy Workgroup (members only)’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Please add me to the Strategic Communications Workgroup (members only)’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Please add me to the Regional Organizing and Leadership Development Workgroup (members only)’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’How did you first hear about PWN-USA?’ type=’select’ options=’From a friend or acquaintance who is a member,From a support group or ASO,From a medical professional,Through social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.),Through mentions in media (an article, radio interview, blog, etc.),Through another network for people living with HIV,Found the PWN-USA website by accident,Other’/][contact-field label=’Tell us about yourself! (will only be read by PWN-USA staff)’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’New Field’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]