There are many important issues at stake this election, including interpretation and enforcement of HIV criminalization laws, Medicaid expansion, minimum wage increases, reproductive rights and women’s health, and anti-LGBTQ legislation on ballots across the country.
The election cycle is an invaluable opportunity to learn what candidates think about the issues that matter to you, as well as to educate the candidates and the public about the issues and priorities for your community.
Below, learn more about strategies for engaging with candidates and elevating the issues that matter to you, including candidate invitations, meeting with candidates, utilizing questionnaires, candidate forums, and bird-dogging.
Webinar: Engaging Candidates on Issues That Matter
June 10, 2018
This webinar will:
1. increase understanding of the importance of candidate engagement
1. increase understanding of the importance of candidate engagement
2. increase understanding of general candidate engagement techniques from questionnaires to town hall forums
3. show participants what candidate engagement can look like on the federal level as well as the at the local level and how we become skilled at both
4. provide concrete examples and case studies of how candidate engagement can influence policy, laws and legislation.
Jaron Benjamin, Housing Works
Paul Davis, Housing Works
Waheedah Shabazz-El, PWN-USA