Applications to be a PWN-USA Policy Fellow close soon!
Our deadline for the PWN-USA Year 7 Policy Fellowship cohort applications is fast approaching! Get your app in by March 10th!
Our fellowship seeks to build the pipeline of well-informed and strategic policy advocates who come directly from the communities most impacted by the HIV epidemic in the United States – PWN members, especially BIPOC, transgender and gender diverse members – through training, coaching, and real world practice in policy advocacy.
Past fellows have led state-wide campaigns to modernize HIV criminalization laws, testified at Congressional briefings, organized advocacy days at their state capitol, created a rapid response team to mobilize the HIV community during the legislative session, and so much more. Every year, PWN Policy Fellows grow the number of women and TGNC people living with HIV who take the lead in local, state, and federal policy spaces. Is it your turn this year?
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