PWN-PA is a reproductive justice organization that fights for health and human rights. We don’t support any particular candidates or parties; we fight for the issues that matter most to the folks in our communities. We created the PA chapter 10 years ago to organize and build power in Black and Brown communities in Philadelphia and we’ve been organizing North Philly for the past six years. You might remember us talking about health care or abortion access. Now we’re here to talk about syringe service programs.
Important Dates
- Mon, Oct 21st: Last day to register to vote
- Tue, Oct 29th: Last day to requests a mail-in or absentee ballot by 5pm
- Tues, Nov 5: Election day! Polls are open 7am-8pm ET. Mail in ballots MUST be received by 8pm
Important Links
- Check if you are registered to vote here
- If you aren’t registered, you can register to vote here
- Request mail-in or absentee ballot here
- Look up your poll location to vote: Philly specifically & PA generally
- If you have a disability and need accessible voting assistance, click here for more info
- Philly mail-in ballot drop boxes locations (24/7) but will lock at 8pm on election day
- Other PA counties mail ballot drop boxes
- Track your ballot: Use this the track your mail-in or absentee ballot to see if it has been received
- You cannot use the tracker to track the status of a ballot voted in person on Election Day
Report Issues You Have When Voting
If you experience issues or challenges while voting, make a report to the Pennsylvania’s Department of State here. If you have a more immediate need, please call the voter hotline at 877-868-3772.
Issues that can be considered reportable:
- Poll location opens late or closes early
- Lack of accessible entrances