PWN is committed to making sure the voices, perspectives, and priorities of people living with HIV are well-represented in the 2020 election cycle. Together, we can ensure that protecting and expanding health care, LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights, and more are critical issues in local, state and federal elections.

August 8, 2019 – Introducing the Organizing for Power: Electoral organizing and Fundraising tips.
On this webinar we review our Organizing for Power project including team commitments, timeline and bootcamp updates. We discuss what is Electoral Organizing: voter registration, analyzing ballot initiatives, engaging with local and national candidates, “birddogging” candidates, voter education and getting out the vote. Getting our teams to Atlanta requires for team based organizing so we close with a fundraising overview with lots of creative ideas for events and reaching out to your community to support local organizing efforts.
Presenters: Evany Turk, Naina Khanna, and Barb Cardell.
On this webinar we review our Organizing for Power project including team commitments, timeline and bootcamp updates. We discuss what is Electoral Organizing: voter registration, analyzing ballot initiatives, engaging with local and national candidates, “birddogging” candidates, voter education and getting out the vote. Getting our teams to Atlanta requires for team based organizing so we close with a fundraising overview with lots of creative ideas for events and reaching out to your community to support local organizing efforts.
Presenters: Evany Turk, Naina Khanna, and Barb Cardell.
August 27, 2019 – Centering Racial and Gender Justice in Electoral Organizing
On this webinar we discussed the historical perspectives on electoral engagement, specifically the long standing impact of centering White, male voices since the formation of our nation. Constitutional amendments gave Black people and women the right to vote but voter suppression tactics made voting by people of color difficult until the Civil Rights Voting Act passed in 1965. We discuss the importance of PWN’s ongoing commitment to racial and gender justice/ trans justice, review important terms and focus on impact in electoral work. Finally, we talk about racial justice approaches to our Organizing for Power, how we intentionally include impacted communities and avoid tokenism.
Presenters Naina Khanna, Venita Ray and Barb Cardell.
On this webinar we discussed the historical perspectives on electoral engagement, specifically the long standing impact of centering White, male voices since the formation of our nation. Constitutional amendments gave Black people and women the right to vote but voter suppression tactics made voting by people of color difficult until the Civil Rights Voting Act passed in 1965. We discuss the importance of PWN’s ongoing commitment to racial and gender justice/ trans justice, review important terms and focus on impact in electoral work. Finally, we talk about racial justice approaches to our Organizing for Power, how we intentionally include impacted communities and avoid tokenism.
Presenters Naina Khanna, Venita Ray and Barb Cardell.
September 17, 2019 – Organizing for Power: Political Systems and How They Impact Electoral Organizing
The United States political systems can be very complicated, often intentionally. On this webinar, we review Government 101, with a brief recap of federal and state government structures. Then, move on to the Political Process 101, the basics you need to understand how our government works from the local precinct and political party level all the way up to the federal House of Representatives and Senate. Then we look at the complicated system of the Electoral College, and the challenges it creates to true democracy. Finally, issue-based ballot initiatives and legislative process are introduced with specific state based examples.
Presenters: Breanna Diaz, PWN-USA Policy Director; Kelly Flannery, PWN If/When/How Legal Fellow; and Rica Rodriguez, PWN Colorado co-chair.
The United States political systems can be very complicated, often intentionally. On this webinar, we review Government 101, with a brief recap of federal and state government structures. Then, move on to the Political Process 101, the basics you need to understand how our government works from the local precinct and political party level all the way up to the federal House of Representatives and Senate. Then we look at the complicated system of the Electoral College, and the challenges it creates to true democracy. Finally, issue-based ballot initiatives and legislative process are introduced with specific state based examples.
Presenters: Breanna Diaz, PWN-USA Policy Director; Kelly Flannery, PWN If/When/How Legal Fellow; and Rica Rodriguez, PWN Colorado co-chair.