Patricia Clark pwnusa.michigan(at)gmail.comAs a woman living with HIV since 1991, Pat has been deeply involved in her own care and sought to understand HIV in that capacity first. But as the years went by and she realized she was living with HIV and not dying any time soon, she changed her life. Choosing to end her disability she became a staff member at the local AIDS Service Organization. This empowered Pat who began openly sharing her HIV status and story. Realizing not everyone has this privilege she found herself becoming more outspoken, expressing those voices and faces who were hidden due to stigma, and misinformation and fear. In 2011 she met Tami Haught and Barb Marcotte and discovered the Positive Women’s Network as well as co-presented on Prevention Options for Sero-discordant couples at the State of Michigan’s People Living With HIV Conference. In 2012 she conducted a workshop at the Women Living Conference in Detroit. That led to co-chairing the now disbanded PWN MI Regional Chapter. Serving as one of the founding members of the MI Coalition for HIV Health & Safety as the legislative lead working to modernize MI’s HIV Criminalization laws from 2014-2016 was exciting but ended with her unsuccessful bid as a County Commissioner.
In July 2018 she was a guest trainer at the State of Michigan’s Consumer Clinical Quality Management Training where her role was to share the history of advocacy and the impact activism has had on the HIV epidemic and to share the skills necessary for clients to engage on CAB’s, Clinical Quality Committee’s and as advocates for their communities. She continues to balance advocacy with her role as one of 4 Directors at CARES with her areas of supervision being QM, Training, EIS, NMCM, Tobacco Cessation & HOPWA.
Stacy Jennings stacyjennings(at)

Stacy Jennings is a 21 year survivor of HIV. The day Stacy received this devastating diagnosis in the year of 1995 she thought her life would be over but little did she know that what started out being a devastating diagnosis ended up being a blessing. She is able to speak up and speak out about her disease and is no longer ashamed. She has a 24 year old son who is HIV negative and gave birth to a healthy baby boy after 20 years in March of 2014. Unfortunately he didn’t make it because of the tremendous amount of stigma that still exists within our community and in our world. In spite of it all and because of it all Stacy has chosen to live on and be all that she can be for the next person.
Stacy loves writing poetry and is inspired to write about all facets of life. She dreams of sharing her story to all that are inclined to hear because telling her story will allow her to continue to bring down this disease, allowing her to become a stronger woman because of it.
Certified Regional TrainerAndrea Johnson girlucandoit(at)
Andrea Johnson is a mother, grandmother, passionate community activist, founder of GIRL U CAN DO IT, INC. (GUCDII), member of PWN-USA, the host of the bi-monthly social justice radio show Real R.A.P.P. Radio, the creator of the RED, WHITE & U HIV Anti-Stigma Photo Shoot and Campaign, and an honors college student. Additionally, she is associated with numerous national and international organizations helping to save lives from domestic violence, human sex trafficking and from acquiring HIV. She works full-time in corporate America and is a woman living with HIV, defining the quote “YOU ONLY STOP YOU.”
Certified Regional Trainer
Loren Jones lorenjones443(at)
Loren Jones has lived with the HIV virus for 33 years. She has served as a member of the Alameda/Contra Costa County Collaborative Community Ryan White Part A Planning Council twice (1989-1991) (2011-2017). She is currently a voting member of the Quality, Data, and Services, PLWHA/membership, and Prevention committees. She is also a member of the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, Anchor Studies and Amfar-cure CABS. Ms Jones was inducted into the Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame in 1997, awarded the Rebecca Denison award by WORLD in 2010, and the 2016 HIV/AIDS Community Trailblazer award. She is one of the founding members of Positive Women’s Network-USA. Loren is most proud of being the mother of April Garrett and Chelsea Lloyd as well as the grandmother of Kelin and Jade Mitchell.
Certified Regional TrainerShyronn Jones ikawareness(at)
A Brooklyn transplant in the capital of New York, Shyronn Jones began her advocacy lobbying legislators on HIV-related issues with politically influential Albany-based groups, driven by her own need for supportive services as an economically disadvantaged woman living with HIV. Though she practices different forms of advocacy, she prefers approaching legislators directly. While earning her business degree, she interned at the New York State Assembly, where she participated in the legislative process and was assigned to administrative responsibilities. Since joining PWN-USA, Shyronn has soared into leadership opportunities within and outside of PWN-USA and amplified key advocacy issues in national publications. Shyronn has lived in Atlanta, Georgia, since 2013.
Certified Regional Trainer: PWN 101, Human Rights, Community Organizing, and Campaign Development
Patricia Kelly spirilgurl54(at)
Patricia Kelly (Pat) is a local, regional and national educator, advocate and activist aging gracefully and gratefully living well and positive with AIDS. Pat is the Founder and President of A Family Affair HIV/AIDS (AFA) Ministry at Victory Tabernacle Deliverance Temple located in Orangeburg, SC. She is also Program Coordinator for Minority AIDS Council of Orangeburg, Bamberg and Calhoun Counties. She has a BA in English from Claflin College. Pat was diagnosed with HIV in 1985 and AIDS in 1998. She is a founding member of Positive Women’s Network-USA and PWN-USA regional organizer for SC.
Certified Regional TrainerAsha Molock educateawoman(at)
Asha Molock graduated from Cheyney University in Pennsylvania with a degree in Education. She retired in 2002, after twenty-nine years of teaching in the School District of Philadelphia. Upon retiring she became involved with various local wellness organizations helping to organize workshops and health fairs for the community.
Diagnosed with HIV in 2001 at the age of 51, she understands the unique set of needs and challenges women experience when contracting HIV later in their lives. Since 2013, she has been involved with the Positive Women’s Network-USA, having served as the Co-Chair and Strategic Communications Action Team Representative of the Philadelphia Chapter.
Asha successfully completed the HIV/AIDS training program with Philadelphia FIGHT’s Project Teach and completed a course with the National Quality Center Training of Consumers on Quality. She is also a 2016 graduate of PWN-USA Academy of Certified Regional Trainers.
Certified Regional TrainerMeta Smith-Davis metasmith7(at)
Meta is a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, an amazing wife, and a Black female living with HIV. Meta is a native of Baton Rouge, LA, and is employed for HAART HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 as the Assistant Director of Prevention in Baton Rouge. She is a member of Positive Women’s Network-USA and a co-chair for PWN-USA Louisiana. She is also the Baton Rouge Stigma Index Project Coordinator. She has been living with HIV since April 2001, and although contracting HIV was for sure life-changing, it was no way life-ending. She continues to work with individuals living with and without the HIV virus in her efforts to reduce the stigma that many, but especially women, feel.
Certified Regional Trainer