PWN-USA thanks our sponsors for their generous support of SPEAK UP! 2016:
Presenting Sponsors: ViiV Healthcare, Gilead Sciences, Levi Strauss Foundation, Ford Foundation
Leadership Circle Sponsors: AIDS United, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Johnson & Johnson, MAC AIDS Fund
It’s not too late to lend your support! Please see below!
PWN-USA is thrilled to announce SPEAK UP! A National Summit for Women Living with HIV! We will host 250 women living with HIV in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, from Sept. 27-30, 2016, to build leadership skills, discuss timely policy, legal and research trends relevant to women’s lives, and strategize to support organizing and advocacy at a federal and state level.
Our 2014 Summit was a huge success–with your support, our 2016 Summit will make an even bigger impact!
We invite sponsors to help make this herstoric event a reality. Please see below for details!
PWN-USA is committed to ensuring women living with HIV most impacted by the HIV epidemic are able to participate. Your support will cover lodging, meals and other participation costs for low-income women living with HIV. Furthermore, your support will allow us to resource high-quality panels, workshops and break-out activities for participants.
Thank you for helping to make this herstoric event a reality. Giving at any amount is a significant contribution to women’s leadership! Thank you for your support!
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Sponsorships are Available for Individuals and Organizations
$25,000+ Presenting Sponsor
To become a presenting sponsor of the Summit at $25,000 or higher, please contact Naina Khanna, PWN-USA’s executive director, directly: or 510.681.1169.
Thank you to our Presenting sponsors, ViiV Healthcare, Gilead Sciences, Levi Strauss Foundation and the Ford Foundation!
$10,000-$24,999 Leadership Circle
• Name and logo will be included in Summit program
• Name will be included on Summit webpage
• Name will be included on Summit outreach and promotional materials
• Will be acknowledged during Summit
• Opportunity to share materials on a table or in resources folder
• Will be acknowledged in Summit report
Thank you to our Leadership Circle sponsors, AIDS United, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, and MAC AIDS Fund!
$7,500-$9,999 Change-maker Circle
• Name and logo will be included in Summit program
• Name will be included on Summit webpage
• Will be acknowledged during Summit
• Opportunity to share materials on a table or in resources folder
• Will be acknowledged in Summit report $5,000-$7,499 Sister Circle
• Name and logo will be included in Summit program
• Name will be included on Summit webpage
• Will be acknowledged during Summit
• Opportunity to share materials on a table or in resources folder
• Will be acknowledged in Summit report
$5,000-$7,499 Sister Circle
• Name and logo will be included in Summit program
• Name will be included on Summit webpage
• Will be acknowledged during Summit
• Opportunity to share materials on a table or in resources folder
• Will be acknowledged in Summit report
$2,500-$4,999 Solidarity Circle
• Name will be included in Summit program
• Name will be included on Summit webpage
• Opportunity to share materials on a table or in resources folder
$1,000-$2,499 Ally Circle
• Name will be included on Summit webpage
• Opportunity to share materials on a table or in resources folder
Invest in women leaders living with HIV!
Donate online or, to donate by check, please contact Naina Khanna, Executive Director of PWN-USA, at or 510.681.1169.
Be a Supporting Organization by Sponsoring Women’s Registration Fees and/or Travel Costs to the Summit!
We ask that supporting organizations sponsor the participation of at least 2 women living with HIV to attend SPEAK UP! A National Summit for Women Living with HIV by covering their registration fees ($100 each) and transportation to and from Fort Walton Beach, FL.
Supporting individuals, organizations and sponsors will be recognized and thanked during the Summit as well as in the Summit printed program and final report. PWN-USA also encourages supporting organizations to share materials at our Summit resource table, and will provide details on shipping materials at a later time.
Consider supporting participants who:
- Have expressed an interest in increasing their involvement in advocacy
- Represent heavily impacted and/or marginalized communities including women of color, women with low incomes, young women, transgender women, queer women, women with disabilities, women with immigrant or refugee experiences, and women who have experienced incarceration and/or criminalization.
- Have opportunities and support to apply their knowledge and skills in their communities upon return from the Summit.
- Your organization seeks to support and develop as leaders.
Each participant will share a hotel room with one other conference participant. PWN-USA will provide three nights of lodging (nights of Sept. 27, 28, and 29) and all meals and snacks during the Summit.
If your organization would like to commit to sponsoring women to attend the Summit, but needs more time to identify and confirm with those participants, you may pay in advance to save the space for those participants and provide us with their names at a later date.
We hope you will consider becoming a supporting organization or a sponsor for the Summit. Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you are interested. If you have further questions, please e-mail or call Naina Khanna, Executive Director, at or 510.681.1169. Thank you for your continued support and sisterhood.