Attending SPEAK UP! 2016? Were you able to participate in our orientation webinar? If not, you can watch the recording here!
PLEASE NOTE: Registration for the Summit is now closed. We are at capacity. If you would like to be added to a waitlist, please send your contact info (full name, location, phone number and email) to
Are you already registered for the Summit? Have you filled out our participant questionnaire yet? If not, please
do so now! We need some important information from you to book rooms, arrange ground transportation from the airport, etc.
**Please note that you should ONLY fill this out if you are officially REGISTERED for the Summit.**
Training, Empowering & Connecting Women Living with HIV to Be Advocates & Leaders
Far too often, women living with HIV are talked
about, instead of talked
to, at the tables where decisions are made about our lives.
PWN-USA’s mission is to shift that balance: to prepare and involve women living with HIV, in all our diversity, including gender identity and sexual expression, to be at those decision-making tables.
In September 2016, we’ll advance that mission by hosting our second National Leadership Summit for Women with HIV.
In September 2014, Positive Women’s Network – USA held our first-ever National Leadership Summit for Women Living with HIV to build advocacy skills and leadership capacity among over 200 women living with HIV from 26 states, the US Virgin Islands, Canada and Mexico.
Those women have gone on to do amazing work in their communities fighting stigma, advocating for fair policy and supporting people living with HIV in their regions.
But why stop there? In 2016, PWN-USA will work with emerging and seasoned advocates to deepen our advocacy and collective organizing strategy during a key election cycle.
As part of this,
we are thrilled to announce SPEAK UP! A National Leadership Summit for Women with HIV in Fort Walton Beach, FL from Sept. 27-30, 2016 (immediately preceding the
Positive Living Conference; dates inclusive of
pre-conference events!)
“The women attending the Speak Up! Summit know my deepest secret and still accept me. Their acceptance is unconditional, without judgment. They encourage me and understand me. These women are just like me…they are HIV positive and remain strong. We continue as mothers, wives, and friends…all while taking on a new role as advocate. I want to lead other women and give them the same energy, love and enthusiasm I’m feeling.”
– katie06, participant in the 2014 SPEAK UP! Summit
During the Summit, women living with HIV will build leadership skills, discuss timely policy, legal and research trends relevant to women’s lives, and strategize to support organizing, movement building, and advocacy at a federal and state level–in a safe, supportive, inclusive environment.
“In September 2014, I went to PWN-USA’s first national summit for women living with HIV, where I met over 200 amazing women. I was empowered and encouraged to be educated about what is going on in the HIV community and gain support from PWN-USA. Before leaving the summit, I signed up as a member of PWN-USA. They give me the support and love I need the continue going through life and being an advocate. I plan to create a regional chapter in the next year or two here in Memphis so all women with HIV in my community can have the training and support I receive right here in their hometown. I’m determined to fight on for my state of Tennessee.”
– Dominique Banks, participant in the 2014 SPEAK UP! Summit
Summit registration is now closed. If you would like to be added to our waitlist, please email your contact information (name, location, phone number and email) to
Your $125 registration fee covers accommodations and all meals during the summit.
Please note that the registration fee is a donation to PWN-USA to help defray the costs of the Summit and does not represent the actual cost of accommodating, feeding and training participants, and consequently it is nonrefundable. Please also note that the registration fee does not include transportation to or around Ft. Walton Beach, FL.
If you are 35 or under, or transgender, you are eligible to attend one of our pre-Summit Institutes at no additional cost. (Separate registration is required.) Click here for more information.
Keep an eye on this tab on the website for updates and details as we get closer to the Summit!
Registration is now closed. To be added to our waitlist, please send your contact information (name, location, phone number and email) to
Become a sponsor or supporting organization for the Summit!
Travel tips & packing list for the Summit
Frequently Asked Questions about the Summit
Check out the Summit Schedule Overview
Check out the full Summit program